Chapter 32

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Sis Aysha, you are the best😍 she advised me to put more of Saif and Amal, less of everything else! Do you agree?

    ***return of Marka***


The days passed in a blur for me. Like I had envisioned, everything turned to dust since i refused to accept  my duty and follow him to Maicki. How can they understand that my sisters do not only need money and attention, but guidance as well?

I went to Paris for seven days only but when I got back, Zahra and Salma had new phones which they said they bought with their own money. When I asked them how they got so much money, they claimed that they were saving up for it. It's a total lie. The phones were too expensive for ordinary savings.

I will never give them extra money because I know they will find a way to misuse it. And Iya is not the type to dash money anyhow. Where will they get it?

Zahra and Salma have this tendency to want to be among those trending girls who people admire for their modern attitudes. They want to feel like they were above the average station in life. It's what people call 'rawar kai' they don't even hide it.

I try to control their spending to avoid them getting mixed up with bad company. I try to show them we are poor and we don't have a defined family backup so we need to be careful. But no, those girls just listen with one ear and forget about it. They know I don't nag but they think I'm too strict. Even when we were fighting for one grain of rice, they still act like it wasn't happening to them.

There is Khalid as well. He is such a good boy but he also have this adolescent thing going. He packs his hair like some nigger, dress to impress his peers and I'm starting to notice a different air about him. I always feared it will happen because Khalid loves Abba. Among all the children in our house, he is the only one who seems to love Abba enough to view him as a role model. Because Abba always ignore him, he is starved for male attention. Perhaps it is why he's starting to not give a damn.

Anisa is the silent killer types. She will never openly misbehave. But I know her like the palm of my hands. She might seem so innocent but in reality, she is even more assuming than either Zahra or Salma. Anti always thinks she is the angel of the house. Alas, Ju tells me she does phone calls in the middle of the night. And when I irritated Anti enough, she confirmed it for me. Anti was so speechless. She said she would never believe it if it was someone else who told her.

Anisa is at that age when she is discovering boys and their role in life.

When I talked to them all, they pretend to listen and they promise they won't ever do anything to hurt me.

But I don't want them to not want to hurt me. I want them to not want to hurt themselves.

Every day, I wake up thinking about them and how I can help them. So my sisters need care, love, attention and a lot of interest in their lives. Iya said that its at this age that people make the biggest mistakes of their lives. That at this age, their choices determine what they become as adults. That it's even more sensitive for girls. But that boys are the biggest trouble because they may think you just don't get it. You are a girl and you won't understand...

I have a lot of worries.

If I left with Saif, I will be forsaking them. That's how I feel. Even if Maicki is Abuja, I'll still decline. I can sacrifice anything for them. They need someone like me in their lives and not just on temporary basis. Raising people is not a part time deal.

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