Chapter 5

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Abdu bought us one mudu of rice, two spaghettis, one bottle of groundnut oil, pepper, kayan miya, and spices. He even managed to bring some meat. I was so grateful, so I cooked to the best of my ability. I only did give my all when cooking for Saif or Iya. And that is because I want them to value me.

As soon as the aroma filled the house, all my sisters hovered around the kitchen asking if there is anything they can do to help even though they can see that I am done. I even spied Abdu and Bakree walking around the kitchen from outside as if they too were drawn by the aroma. I shook my head. Wow, you would think it is something delicious. It was just rice and stew!

I didn't want to disappoint, so I tried to do my best. Once I was done, I served it up right away. I went out to give Abdu and Bakree their share. They thanked me at least a million times which I totally ignored. It was thanks to Abdu that we can eat today.

The house was so quiet, only the sound of clacking spoons can be heard. I served myself a plate and sat to eat with Hani.

"Mommy sis. I love your food!" She praised. I caressed her hair. " Thank you" I replied.

That was the first day of our arrival. Abdu continued to buy us cefane and I continued to cook. We were all waiting for Abba to come home. i am worried about how much they are missing from school. I don't want them to start failing at school when they are back. So anxiously, we waited. There was nothing we could do. I suspect that Khalid and the rest were very happy about it. No school seems to mean freedom for them. I was the only one that cared.

Days passed. On the tenth day, we had the first visitor. I came out to see who came and recognized the silver land cruiser Iya favored. I was quite surprised. How did she know we were here?

Iya came out with the help of Saif Garzali Dankano. The groom I agreed to marry.

My siblings went to surround them happily. I watched as Iya accepted their greetings warmly. Saif already had Hani in his arms. Ju was holding Iya's hand and the rest were busy smiling as if their faces will break.

Awhile later, they were all seated. I brought water for them. Iya drank a sip as did Saif.

I squatted in front of Iya and greet her. I also greet Saif. They answered in kind. I went back on the chair and sat. I was very conscious of the almost sleeveless A shape gown I was wearing and how there was no scarf on my head. When I caught Saif looking at me, I was very embarrassed. The bones poking from every corner of my chest must frighten the poor guy...

"Why didn't you call and tell me you relocated?" Iya asked in a critical tone of voice, like she was angry at me. I looked down shamefaced. "I'm sorry" I apologized. It's just that, I forgot that I have a phone! Simple.

"Amal where is your phone?" Saif asked me and there is a dangerous note on his voice.

I looked around my siblings calmly, letting my gaze sweep over them. Khalid produced the phone from his pocket. I accepted it and said "here" Saif glared at Khalid and then at me. "What is the use of this phone?" He asked, sounding really annoyed. I kept silent. It was rhetorical. Why should I answer?

"Wallahi Iya, this your daughter akwai gyara  Allah" he hissed.

Iya studied me. "You should always keep it with you kinji Amal?" She urged.

I nodded mutely. This enraged Saif even more. "Au! You are begging her?" He exclaimed. "Don Allah don't keep it with you. Keep treating it like trash. And when it is most important, keep forgetting you have it. Idiot kawai" having said that, he walked out of the house.

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