Twenty eight

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Chapter twenty eight

What you sow


"My man, you look like someone is taking veery good care of you. Tell me, what's your good fortune?" Ade asked.

I looked from one cheeky face to another. These idiots are really looking forward to hearing me say it. I chuckled. "My favorite phrase, you would never know" I smirked.

Ade looked wounded. "What's wrong with friendship and commeradarie huh?" He asked innocently.

"Alright. Instead of being a busybody. Why don't you do this, name one place Yemisis likes to go but you cannot afford it? Because I'm your cool friend, I will pay for the expenses as her birthday present" I suggested to take his mind off my private life!

Ade's eyes glinted and I just know he is about to burn my pockets. I hardened my heart to hear the figures. Of course, Ade chose England. There's a particular place in Netherland which her friend has been bragging about and she's been very envious since. Even though I suspect Ade is using Yemisis this time, I chose to turn a blind eye.

I just really liked how Yemi was busy treating Amal as if she were some VVIP. It pleases me greatly that she's having such a good time at Lola's impromptu birthday party.

Amal seemed to like Ade's house in Victoria island quite well. It seems she loves anything that has to do with water. And Ade's house has a really good view of an artificial waterfall and it leads off to another artificial stream making it look too real and enchanting.

It's only because Amal wishes to come to Nigeria that we left the carribeans. I suspect she has ulterior motive for coming though. Even though I don't wish to be here, I obliged her because I just couldn't say no.

So that night, as I held her in my arms, I decided to tell her the big secret.

"Little.." I called.

She answered with a hmm?

"I thought really hard of what we should do with the rest of our vacation. And I decided why don't we have an adventure instead of a second meaningless honeymoon?" I broached the topic. Truthfully, I was a bit scared she wouldn't wish to leave Nigeria soon. Ever since she saw her sisters, she kept talking about Anti and how she misses her. I feel as if even though she wishes to see Anti, she is also hinting at visiting all her sisters houses.

My vacation will not be able to cover so much traveling. So I was hoping she would drop it.

"Really? What kind of adventure?" She asked.

"You are too stiff lately. So I wish to take you skating, skiiying, hiking and anything in between. Then we can go for hajj. What do you think?"

Amal turned her body to look at me with surprise written all over her face. " wish to take me, me, hiking, skiiying...!" She looks alarmed.

I frowned. "What's wrong? You don't wish to learn sports?" I critiqued. Amal swallowed hard. "But..but..." She stammered looking flushed. She's too uptight. I want to see her play too. Maybe she can awaken her childish side. Who knows! Miracles do happen!

Amal was silent. But then she nodded. "If you are sure.." She murmured.

I smiled, leaning in to kiss her cheeks. "That's more like it! I promise, you will enjoy every bit of it. Trust me" I encouraged.

Amal smiled. "I do trust you. But..I hope I come back in one piece. In case you haven't noticed, I am not a sports person"

I made a face. "You never even tried!" I negated. She couldn't argue the point.

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