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Chapter eleven

***my green invitation!***


Life is simple when you take it simply. It's very hard when you take it hard as well. It depends on your outlook. Perhaps this is why some people are pessimists while others are optimists. Whatever you are, don't ever take a lethal dose. Cox too much of anything is poison!

I am a believer now!

Seriously! Look at the mess Lady Sultana has gotten herself into! Because her father is a big shot Malam, people criticized her even more because of it!

From what I can gather on social media, sultana has been suffocating a lot of girls with her bragging and arrogance. She was to marry the most sought after man in the country! Alas! It didn't work out! Now everyone is either insulting her or laughing at her. It blew up on the net.

But that's not all of it.

There are scary stories as well. Wherever Sultana went, people gather to mock her and insult her as if she had done a great crime.

I guess the hype over the sudden possibility of earning a place with the most important man in Maicki, has gotten so high that it equaled Sultana's downfall!

I can't imagine such a scene.

Several media outlets captured her crying after leaving some public place. It's been three days now and she has been forced to stay at home and nurse her injuries at heart. I feel so bad for her.

You know what they say. The higher you climb, the harder you fall!

"Bibi, look at the poor girl! Sir Saif was mean to withdraw the wedding in this manner. Can't they come out and announce that they broke up formally to save her all of this trouble? I think people will be forced to be understanding!"

Bibi shrugged. She doesn't seem to care.

"Bibi! Are you listening to me?!" I asked with surprise! I mean, anyone would feel sorry for Sultana! She's been publicly harassed and humiliated. People think it will be hard for her to marry into a higher family of standing now. Those people of the higher echelons of society are mean. Very mean indeed. It is clear they are using the opportunity to push her down so she doesn't rise again to eliminate competition!

Every girl in her right mind would want to marry Sir Saif. His biggest allure is his age. And of course his looks cannot be forgotten. For his standing, there aren't many in the world with his young age. To have such money and power... To be at the very top of the food chain at such a young age..

I don't envy him.

It is clear that Sir Saif is in trouble! Scheming mothers and desperate daughters are one thing. But determined ladies and cruel matchmaking strategies would surely wear him out! I hope he has enough mental fortitude to wither the storm!

I think he should've stuck to his first wife. Or even Sultana.

"Minaa, you are so innocent sometimes! Let me be frank with you! I was very happy when the disengagement was announced. Though I don't care for what treatment she got, I still feel it's a lucky chance for others to try their luck! Think outside the box aiyeh! If he's single again and a proper traditional wedding is going to take place, then it's an opportunity for young girls all over Maicki to find a chance at free matchmaking with excellent grooms!" She retorted.

I gave her a horrified look. "How can you say that! Don't you feel even a little remorse about what you just said?!" I asked with a frown.

"I don't feel kinship with vipers like her Minaa. She tried to monopolize all the attention alone. Why will I feel remorseful when she got what she deserved?" Bibi was heartless when she doesn't care about something, I can't understand her cold nature!

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