Twenty five

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I want to take a few second off your time to help me acknowledge hiishah. This amazing girl voted for every chapter in my story. I was so touched and happy. It was a big kick motivator. Thanks a lot dear.

For Jameelerh Nasir. This chapter is for u😎

Chapter twenty five

A desperate act


It's been three days. I haven't seen Maree all these time. Ever since she tried to harass me or rather, succeeded in harassing me, she left, fully intending to call the security to check me out. But I don't know what stopped her. She didn't come back yet. Even though I went out all the time, she was really not in the house.

But that third day, I kept feeling uneasy. I did call the Alkali house and the most elite team of Doctors they could find have already arrived and checked on him. There were at least three machines now attached to his person. One look and you will see that he is being taken care of. Alas! It's like he's become a vegetable. His body kept deteriorating And the doctor's worry kept mounting. Alas, that third day, they left completely without saying anything to me. But I felt it...

They have given up as well.

Seriously, I no longer had the energy to cry. It's like I've entered a state of numbing defeat. I focused all my energy on nafilats and du'ah. Sometimes, I'm not sure who needs it most. Me or my patient? Coz when I spend one minute idly watching him, I get badly anxious that my body begins to shake. I've never encountered anxiety like this before.

But when I read the Holy Qur'an..I feel peace.

So I kept reading it out loud. My voice shook as I recite most times but I don't care. I just wish to listen to the remarkable audio that I could recite. It isn't the same with putting it on my phone.

That night, the moment Almir came to tell me that Bibi and co were here to see me..I knew that my gut feeling must be right. Something is terribly wrong. Even though I prayed in my mind, I just couldn't help the extreme beating of my heart. It's telling me something really isn't going to make me happy..

To my surprise, it wasn't just Bibi and the select few I've grown accustomed to. There were many women even prettier and more discerning than Mwenye. They look stylish and way too young for what their age must really be. Together, they gave the impression of a collection of beautiful peacocks in a wonderful painting.

I greeted them on by one and they each answered warmly while they asked after Saif. I tried serving them anything at all even dates or kola or whatever it is they prefer. But they all declined subtly.

"Minaa. These women are your relatives from the various Alkali factions. They wanted to see Saif and pray for him so here we are" Bibi explained.

"Should I lead them now?" I asked. The nurse is already there and she always shifts at least four times a day with different other nurses so that someone is with him all the time in case something urgent happens.

"Yes" Mwenye piped in.

I stood up, conscious of the gazes on me. I must look a fright. Bibi especially couldn't stop looking at me with a huge frown on her face.

I walked them into Saif's room and then waited aside as they all took turns to see him. Various clanging of tongues echoed with sorrow. It's like he was already dead or something.

This reminded me of Saif's friends visit yesterday morning.

Imam cried! Shaheed cried! John teared up and his face looked like a big tomatoe. Sufyan couldn't look at him straight up for two second straight without looking like he's about to faint. He looked pale from the fright I guess. Ade didn't cry but he stayed by Saif's side and he kept looking at him, a tormented expression covering his agonized features as he froze in place.

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