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Chapter sixteen



It has grown truly chaotic this week. Because of Sultana's death, I thought the ball will be changed to a different date. Who would've thought that not only was the ball in full swing, it has affected the very flow of business in Raome.

Raome is usually very peaceful. It is very rare to see a horde of people just walking around the streets. But there are so many people arriving for the upcoming events that Raome seems very lively now.

We went to do grocery shopping at a nearby mall and we were shocked by the amount of people there.

Actually, I realized that the shops are the most crowded.

This isn't much of an issue though. What really stumps me is the fact that even with my own money, I could not buy suitable clothes for the ball!

As soon as Abba visited, he gave me a credit card. He didn't need to say anything. I'm sure he wants me to use it for the events lined up for showdown. But guess what? Even with my own money, it seems, it will be hard to procure the brands that I wish to purchase from!

First, there are international brands that sell unique, gorgeous and very expensive outfits.

There are local brands that sell unique, African, dazzling and very expensive outfits.

See the difference? Of course it's just taste.

There are other average brands that does well too I suppose. But I've been forbidden from choosing from any of them. The designer Mwenye invited for me told me that for my debut, I will need to wear very popular brands so that by just a glance, everyone will know that I mean business. It's very important that no one looks down on me too much. She warned me to be careful in choosing the right dress. Because right now, I need to impress everyone with my taste. It's all about taste. I can't afford to try an unknown brand. Right now, I don't have much of an influence and people would take that for granted.

Through all the lessons, I guess she made sense.

Anyway. What I need is an African designer who will be able to design an outfit that would cover up, look mature, extremely descent and of course still be able to make me shine!

I know no designers whatsoever!

Bibi knows some but they seem to be old brands. The biggest problem is not finding a suitable dress. It is finding a suitable dress with the right brand which has not grown past this particular summer! Anything else would be considered outdated!

Of course one needs to be careful so you don't wear the same dress as other people. So that has become an even more urgent problem!

So i decided my last option has to be Miss Natasha. She was the one who taught me makeup while I was staying with Mwenye. Now that I think about it. It seems strange that I was 'chosen' to be groomed while I haven't heard of anything of the sort from anyone else. Surely, news like this cannot be hidden. The girls would love to brag about it. Unless it's a common rule which people are already used to..

"Miss Minaa!" She exclaimed excitedly on the other end of the phone "Miss Natasha how are you?" I said in form of greeting.

"I'm good good. How about you?" She asked politely.

"Okay I guess.." I let it trail with a sigh.

"What's wrong? The ball isn't even here yet and you already seem like you have a problem" she observed.

Whimsical beauty ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt