Twenty two

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Chapter twenty two

Hold my hand


The moment she mentioned divorce, I think my entire brain ceased for a moment.


Little wants a divorce!

I saw with clarity, the honesty in her eyes. She's tired of my problems. She's tired of me..

My hands began to shake from the tension. I could feel danger approaching. She might not even get it well, but a divorce in our current station will spell disaster!

It's not even the heart shattering to bits from hopelessness and despair. Nope! I am thinking of the overall situation now..

Of all the things she could ask, why did she wish to separate from me?!

The mere mention of divorce is setting my heart ablaze! How dare she ask for something as ridiculous as that?!

I can divorce any woman at all. But little..

She must be dreaming!

I needed to collect my thoughts. So I walked away where she could not see my panicked expression, my anger and my rage...

Amal is now Minaa. If she wishes for a divorce, she only needs to say a few things of the past and the family will sympathize with her plight. A divorce will drag on forever because even inside the family ranks, there is bound to be differences in opinions. A divorce is not a small matter. It will affect the entire family..

Amal now stands second only to me. As Papa's granddaughter, she will be treated with the utmost severity. Should she divorce, she would definitely be labeled with a black paint. A divorcee. The society frowns upon nobles with such records. At such a young age, the family might be blamed for causing a rift between us. Lies might arise and things might truly get complicated. Besides, her unaccountable years in Nigeria might be misconstrued to suit everyone's opinion.. And then..

With everyone watching to see how I extricate Yesmin, a divorce is the perfect weapon to make me accept her as mine.. But that's not even the worst part of it..

Right now, the Alkali clan is the most United. Both I and Amal are probably the richest young generation Alkalis. To be paired together is a dream come true. This means that our children will be true heirs, continuing the true Alkali line. Her wealth will be mine and there will not be any reason for anyone to marry her and take off a huge chunk of the Alkali wealth. They wouldn't need to share.

Some of the family might want to push me to marry someone closest to the true Alkali line and beget a true heir so at least my wealth is guaranteed to remain in the family. Selfish desires are hard to quell and such a grand opportunity will not be wasted..

So many many contradictions..

She didn't know, but she will suffer the most.

Aside from criticisms, she would be forced to marry again. She no longer has the liberty to stay single. She's a walking possibility right now. As a divorcee, she will not be allowed to choose her own husband. She will lose that right because her life is now tied to her statues which is as good as the Alkali reflection. Here in Maicki, women have power but they are still treated with a bit of more caution. Or rather, they are allowed to make few life altering decisions..

She has no idea how much Suheerah possessed and how much of it would eventually belong to her.. By right of the Alkali heritage, there are assets that must remain within the family. Only true heirs can activate it. How could they let her slip away just like that? Without her to keep the wealth touchable, they will have to wait for another direct descendant to reclaim it.. Who knows if there's a future possibility..

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