Chapter 6

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*Meeting sir Alkali*

After Saif and family left, Iya called out to me and I went to see what she wants.

"Aren't you going home?" She asked.

"No I'm not" I replied quite easily.

"Alright, your sisters will sleep at the main house. Merama is a good woman. They haven't left her side since they went to greet her earlier. But I guess it's better we bring your personal super glue so she doesn't start crying"

I nodded with gratitude. She is referring to Hani. She said "let's go. I want you to greet Sir Alkali" she stated seriously. "It's fortunate he is available today. But don't say your name. Just introduce yourself as Amina nasir Dankano. It's your real name anyway"

I wondered what was behind my greeting this astounding mogul. I wondered why Iya bothered. I know the old lady. As nice as she was, she is always scheming...

We entered a palace like interior. The 'king' was propped on his elbow
Leaning against a soft cushion (tuntun). Iya said the Salam and I said mine too. The man, who looks a little like Saif glanced at us. I can see he is old. But the good kind, since he still looks as energetic as ever despite all the white hair.

"A'ah Iya at this hour!" He smiled.

"Uhm. I hope we aren't disturbing you?" She inquired.

He smiled wider. "No! It's alright. I'm glad you are here. It means I don't have to go see you"

"Oh? I hope there is no problem" she quipped.

"Just a minor complain" he replied with a smile. "Your grandson and daughter are not happy with you"

Iya laughed good naturedly. "Af! The more time flies, the dumber the generation gets! Why did they come to you? Did they forget that I am older than you? Or is it because you are richer?"

I commend Iya for being able to tease about a sensitive thing like money!

Sir Alkali is quite ahead of me it seems, because he only smiled, ignoring the last sentence. He just said "I am still the leader of the Alkali clan. How can they not complain to me?"

"Alright, I won't overtake your authority. Afterall, I came back to this family very late. So I will try to listen to you" she nodded. Satisfied, he too nodded and Iya sat as did I. But I only sat on the floor while she sat on a chair. Sir Alkali slid into a sitting position before putting his eyes on me. A smile graced his lips once again as he said "where did you find a girl that looks a lot like a Thilte?" Iya smiled as well. "Well, you can ask her ai" she offered.

"Who are you?" He asked curiously.

"Amina Nasir Dankano" I replied steadily.

For some reason he seems shocked. "You mean, Nasir has a daughter that is this grown?" He asked Iya in a curious manner.

Iya smiled. "She is his first daughter. He had eight children but one died. So Amina here has six other siblings"

Sir Alkali looked like he has seen a ghost. "Wai is it the same Nasir I know?" He asked in all seriousness.

"Of course. He loves marrying a lot" she sighed. "All the children come from four different mothers. The first wife gave birth to Aminatu. The second gave birth to four children. All girls. The third gave birth to two children, a boy and a girl. And the fifth gave birth to another boy but he died"

Sir Alkali was silent for awhile. "But isn't Nasir too young to care for eight children? I mean how old is he? Isn't he thirty four years old? Most people start their lives at this age"

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