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Remember I said the earlier chapters will be left as a prequel? Well, yes. So, this chapter will start with the present as a totally new book. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for giving whimsical beauty a chance!

I am dedicating this chapter to Omoope1999. She is amazing and I cant thank her enough. Thank u girl. Your comments were wonderful and your support is deeply appreciated. May you find peace in whatever you do.

Chapter one

**Dare he abandon us!**

It was a sunny day in the early days of October. Me and my friends sat on one of the freelance chairs all around BUK. They were busy gossiping about anything and everything they could think of. Times like this, I just listen with one ear. I don't comment at all or that would go against my quiet and reserved nature. They don't seem to mind. Perhaps they understand that i could not be trusted to contribute to the conversation.

A shiny black car suddenly zoomed past us. It was like death visited the hemisphere. Absolute silence reigned as every one of us stopped to look at the beautiful beautiful car.

But I particularly wasn't looking at the car. My gaze zeroed on the guy behind the car wheel.

It is Saif Garzali Dankano!

I forgot to breath as i saw him the first time after three good years. Fear paralyzed me for a moment because i was suddenly aware that if he so much as turned and saw me, i am dead meat.

Without anyone knowing, i slipped behind the nearest tree, hiding from his view as he parked in front of theatre one. I was still drinking in the perfect image of the one man i cannot forget. I am is still drawn to him, as perfectly unreasonable as that was. I found him every bit as consuming as i did before. My every essence called out to him. I wanted to run to him, shout out that I am here..

Has he forgotten me?

Perhaps to him, i was still as insignificant as ever.

Dr Shaheed, one of the lecturers in this esteemed university walked over to the car and Saif came out of the car so they could greet properly.

Saif accepted a brown envelope, nodding at something Shaheed was saying. Then Shaheed went around to the other side of the car and got in. Saif got in as well and he revved the engine on. The car came back the same way it followed earlier..

There was a kiiiiiiiiiit! As the engine revved to a drastic and vicious stop. Her heart almost fell from her chest as She looked at the direction of their attention.

His eyes zeroed on the two year old boy, perched on Sis Suzy's lap.



I am dead.

Dead! Coz, he's gonna kill me.

In trepidation, I watched in fear as he narrowed his eyes at the little boy. Lallai bad luck is in town. I'm so dead.

He opened the car door and you can see how shocked he was just by the way his entire body language tensed.

Slowly, he took careful steps towards the little boy. His eyes were completely glued to the boy. Single mindedly. He stopped in front of sis Suzy.then he bent down towards the boy, staring deep into his eyes. The boy stared back unblinkingly before the most breathtaking smile covered his cute baby face. His two dimples right at the middle of his cheeks showed very deeply making him look nothing but adorable.

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