Chapter 22

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Saif changed into light wears, a long sleeve shirt with black jeans. He didn't ask me to change even though I was hiding in his room just so I don't hear another joke about salt. He brought out one bag which he threw a bottle of perfume before closing it tight. It looks full and I wondered where he is going with it.

"Come on, we are going to miss the flight if we dawdle any longer" he urged.

I took a careful step back.

"Flight?" I asked in a whisper filled with fear.

Saif stopped walking, he turned to look at me. He gave me this long look that showed that he didn't understand where the fear is coming from.

"Yes. We are flying to Paris" he explained.

Oh so he is serious about the whole honeymoon thing! And he didn't even say anything to me. It feels like a traptrip rather than honeymoon. Did he think I will really leave my sisters and follow him to another country even for just a few days?

It has just been a day and I miss them like crazy. I'm hoping by tomorrow, I can find an opportunity to beg him to go see them. And if he doesn't allow it, I want to call them and beg them to come over. Thankfully, anti has a phone.

"You are flying to Paris?" I corrected.

He threw me a withering glare. "I think I remember every word that I spoke" he negated strongly.

I took several steps back. "I'm not going" I told him strongly.

His eyes widened as if he is just realizing for the first time the problem with the trip.


His gaze turned calculating and I knew he is going to say something to try to outsmart me. I don't think there is anything he can say that will make me leave though...

"I know what you are thinking. I also know why you are hesitating. I get it okay? I didn't want to go as well. But Iya paid for the flight ticket and my friends took care of the rest. They are forcing me to take you to Paris thinking I didn't know anyone of consequence there and I can't dump you with them. So I made my research and through so much trouble, I found that your father's brother, Abdulhakim lives over there with his family. I talked to him this morning on the phone and he promised me that he will welcome us warmly. So let's do this.." He paused. "Once we fly over, I'll take you to this family and I'll prepare a plane ticket for Hani and Ju so they can join you over there. You can speak to Anisa and the rest on the phone without a problem right?"

I suddenly didn't know how to react. Is he playing me? Why does he sound perfectly reasonable?

"But I still don't want to go. Hani and Ju have school. Ju doesn't perform well if she misses classes. Hani will miss a lot as well. I think she will definitely lose out too since I can't teach her what I don't know" I tried to make him understand.

His gaze turned dark and cold, I swear, it's like this isn't the Saif from one minute ago. He took a threatening step towards me and I shrank into myself.

"I can force you to come with me if I want to. But I chose to urge you. Don't make me regret giving you a leeway" that is a threat isn't it?

For the first time, I didn't feel safe with Saif. I felt I didn't really know him as much as I thought I did. Who is this guy before me?!

I swallowed. If it comes to my sisters, I am a soldier. I cannot back down. I will not.

"Can't you drop me at my father's house and travel alone? I can remain invisible so when you come back, you can pick me up and no one will be the wiser" I reasoned.

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