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Chapter seven

***Turning point***


Maree had invited me for a chat that morning. I didn't have breakfast because I know the young Alkali mansion has a reputable chef at its employ and it would be a waste not to sample her delicious meals. The last time Maree decided to invite us all for lunch, we had a most splendid time sampling the traditional delicacies. Anyway, I'm certain it's not just me but all the girls would love to come back for more. It's just that Maree is having a tough time these days and inviting people over seems like something that isn't on her to do list.

The thought made me smile a little. I am anxious for my time to come. I'm getting impatient waiting and waiting..

To catch a really big fish, one needs to take his time or it would backfire. So to finally win over Mrithi Alkali and be the only woman in his life, precautions were needed. And foresight.

Things are finally pulling together now. I can see it all coming together seamlessly. The time cannot be rushed so what can I really do but day dream of that day Maree and any other woman that has ever won the privilege to be his would cry bucketfuls of bloody tears because she realizes that he's so much more than she ever envisioned?

Saif isn't only the heir, he is Bastille earl. He is the most influential person in Maicki now and ever since his debut two months ago, it seems, he's only getting more powerful. And popular.

The Alkali name already is the most revered name in Maicki. It is proven again and again that no one could dispute it. When it seems like they would fall, they emerge victorious and punish their enemies tenfold.

This time, the object which was almost used to bring them down has been Papa. If it were any family, even the Badrees who has an emir on the throne, their entire generation will be cast outs because of his single mistake. But because Papa was an Alkali, he bore the brunt of all the public anger and distrust. When Papa was killed, it was just assumed that with him, was gone the greed and lies attached to the Alkali name. They were washed clean by sacrificing one pillar of the Alkali tree. One olive branch.

No one can bear the consequences of tarnishing the Alkali name in full force.

Some say that to fight the Alkali name, one would need to murder Maicki first. Because they are Maicki. There is no land in Maicki that knows no Alkali roots. They are everywhere and to some extent, they run the economy at a large. When they rule, they give Maicki so much that it frightens most veterans. When they don't rule, the move back and rule the economy.

So you see, to touch that revered name, it would be worse than civil war!

Saif is heir so he has the backing a of all Alkali branches. With just a whisper, they would run to his aid. Now it's even more frightening because they have full control of the military. The late Emir, Yahya Badree had given Saif the freedom to run the military when he made him Bastille earl. No one can fathom why he did it. Most think it's a foolish decision by a foolish Emir. How? At first, he could only be consulted when making a major decision. He gives the final say to move the army, or anything that is military related. But then he went and procured his badge when he did the special training that lasted almost three years.

Now he is the military.

No one believed he could procure that badge. But Saif proved everyone wrong. He proved that even without a military background, he could still be a military man. It's a curious thing how he obtained that badge along with the respect of many impressive military personnel. He's still far from owning total respect but everyone knows that with the speed of his luck, it's only a matter of time.

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