Chapter 7

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The pic should be Pretty (Hadiza Gabon kind of fits in her image right? She's so pretty!)

*the 2nd wife*


"Darling wake up!"

I could feel Pretty's hands caressing my shaved head. I tried to stay as relaxed as I could, giving off the image that I am sleeping.

"I know you are awake" she murmured dubiously. "Why are you pretending anyways? It's just breakfast"

With a groan, I opened my puffy red eyes and fastened them on her. "What part of my charade was so hard to interprete? I could have breakfast later, you know" I expressed bitterly. My head feels like lead. I am so desperately sleepy. I am terribly exhausted and I need to rest! But pretty did not understand any of it clearly. She seems to think that if i had something to eat, took a bath, and then have some rest in that chronological order, it will be best for me. Says who? I just want to rest. Later I can eat and do whatever. Just not now!

"Sweetheart, don't get so annoyed. Papa is coming to see you this morning. Have you forgotten?"

I did forget. But that is beside the point. Papa can come any time. He is my grand uncle. What I don't get is why she refused to let me sleep.

"Pretty" I called her name exercising some more patience.

"Yes?" She answered inquiringly as if she didn't get that I am annoyed.

I narrowed my eyes to make it look as real as I am feeling it. "Get out of my room. I want to rest" I ordered unkindly. Who cares about being polite? I haven't slept properly in three days! I haven't eaten properly in three days! In short, I didn't do much other than work in the past few weeks and I took one day off to chill. How is it that my wife, who is supposed to know my temperament and needs, is the giant block to my reasonable goal?

Her eyes fell with hurt. "I will go" she announced resolutely. "But after you take the right dosage of at least a pain killer"

I just stared at her. Maybe this is why I don't really feel much for pretty. She totally does not understand me. We are always having these episodes that tells me she is constantly doing the right things that annoy the hell outta me. She could never guess what I would like. So she ends up fucking up all her good intentions. How sad. I know she loves me. I see it everyday, how much I mean to her. Unfortunately, it is one sided. And why can't it be? Look at this mess so early in the morning.

"Pretty, I don't like taking panadol, if I sleep, it is better medication for me, trust me" I gathered the rest of my patience to say that. It was the reserve though. I can't take anymore if she becomes even more obstinate.

"I know you don't want to take it, but it will help. Have you seen your eyes? Please I am not asking you to do it for me. Do it for yourself, you are pushing yourself too hard"

And will you believe it if I told you that she knows how it all appears to me and she is still pushing forward knowing she is getting to the forefront on my to kill list because she is worried about me? I know pretty. She will fret herself silly until I am well again. It wasn't that far fetched when I had said it.

Her love for me is obsessive.

I hate obsessive. I hate anything that heavy. It becomes a huge burden. Love isn't supposed to be a burden. It is supposed to be a seed in the heart that nourishes itself with certain characteristics unique to each person. It is supposed to bloom with the right word and shrink with the wrong ones. It is supposed to be a verb. Not the noun. For me, I feel, love should have limitations. Everything has a line. People should care not to cross it. Everything becomes meaningless then. Rules make a society, principles make a person. Love might be endless, but I feel strongly that if you nurture it properly, it will not be a burden.

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