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***i wish you were here***


It's a Wednesday morning and I called for an emergency board meeting. All the board members around the world flew in to attend the meeting. The Alkali headquarters is very lively today. Like the presence of all those important people has made it seem very energetic.

As I walked into the front entrance, everyone stopped what they were doing because I have never ever done so before. I'd always enter through the underground garage even when Papa was alive. I don't like to make my presence known.

Since Papa died, uncle Dee took over as chairman. Even though I am the newly appointed president, I still never ever showed up publicly. Uncle Dee was always there. Ever since the incidence, I'd just work from the shadows.

But it is time I stepped out into the light.

Because now, nothing seems so dreary and hopeless any longer. My zeal to make more money has been rejuvenated. Now I feel restless and ashamed that since Papa died, there has only been losses. We've lost millions on stupid decisions and improper management. I'm not saying uncle Dee didn't try his best. But there's something about management that requires the right head, the right decisions. Decisive ultimatums and seeing that line, that point which must be recognized to make a good partnership, a good deal. In other ways, you need to have human relations because we aren't only business personnels but political figures as well.

Papa taught me all these and even while he was alive, he trusted me to take over big projects without hesitation. It became his pride, asking me for my opinion on any major decisions and that always made me feel blessed.

But things are also different now.

When Papa was here, I could just rely on his capable authority. Now I need to create that authority. I know I'm respected all through Alkali cooperatives because when I worked at MIA, I built my self worth. But there are thousands of people out there in the business world who need to to see what I'm capable of. I need to alleviate that anxious feeling that the Alkali corps is in decline.

They need to know that there is a dynamic leader who will raise the Alkali esteem to unimaginable heights.

Sometimes, business is politics. But unlike politics, it doesn't work with false promises. Ultimately, results were key in order to establish trust. The only thing that truly binds anyone is profit.

I must make profits just as I did with MIA.

Besides, even in Alkali corps, there are some who refused to believe anyone can grow that fast. That maybe Alhaji Rufa'i favored me because he wanted me to marry his daughter, Maree.

I guess you can never truly please everyone.

That is why I need to be certain of a certain percentage or my problems would only mount.

More than anything, I have one goal in life now. I would clear Papa's name and I will punish those who humiliated him in his final days.

I will crush my enemies and reestablsh the Alkali power in Maicki.

When they hear of my name, I want them to tremble in fear because they are afraid of what I can do to them.

They think they are merciless? Ha!

Everyone has a dark side!


I didn't realize that every single soul in the building had stopped working and they were staring at me. Was it that strange walking through the front entrance? I glared at a couple of guys which my eyes fell upon and with a strong voice, I said "There is time to waste? Get back to work!" I mean, They are paid for all their working hours why are they wasting it!

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