Chapter 9

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*Change is constant*

"How did you do it?" Imam asked in wonder. "Seriously, you are getting married three times in three years and I don't see you getting any thinner, or fatter or whatever it is you are supposed to look like. Maree and Pretty, was I wrong about them? I mean they are acting pretty meek for two champion divas. I mean please!"

Shaheed laughed in his usual easy going manner. "You are just jealous" he taunted.

Imam made a face. "Of course I'm jealous. Hauwa is my only wife. And we have been married for four years. Plus, she is my very own cousin. Yet, have you forgotten the different shades of bala'i I went through just because she heard that I was interested in another girl? She heard, I never even confirmed it!"

Zakir hissed. "You know, I really don't get it either. Islaha had said it before, she will die before she lets another woman near her husband. Do you know she doesn't even let her younger unmarried sisters to sleep over whenever I'm around. I mean look at me, what girl will fall for me just by seeing me? I will get it if it was Safwan or even Saif. But ya Allahu why me?!"

Emeka burst out laughing. "My man, whenever they are being possessive, they have cause to be. The credit cards decorating your wallet makes you a thousand times better sought after. Brother, it doesn't matter how you look!"

Ade was grinning too. "You know, whenever I look at a mirror by accident, the only thing I see is how black I was. I wondered what I will use to make a girl love me. I mean, nothing was working in the physical department. Though it didn't matter much what you look if you are a guy, I also wanted the girl I will marry to like all of me. Omo one day I met Saif!" Everyone laughed at how he said it with a lot of attitude.

"You know, I didn't much care for how I looked until I met him as well. This guy was suave and cool and so charming. I wanted to know the secret so I can win over my beloved Fatima" Safwan chimed in. "I asked him, and he said 'my friend ka koyi wanka!" And they laughed together once again. "I never forgot those words and despite that I can't speak much of your language, I know what that means!"

Saif shook his head. These idiots. Do they really think he was blessed? If he knew that his attitude will bring him unwanted love, he would never have cared for the way he looked. He was young and he hated to see anything out of place. He always wants to look his best. Nothing was good enough but that. Now see where it finally got him...

"Who is the lucky girl?" Shaheed asked. Saif had sworn that he will never marry again except if he fell in love. Who knew it would be this soon?

Saif shrugged. "I think I'm falling in love" he replied coolly. "Who cares who she is?"

They all looked at him suspiciously.

"Tell me you chose her at least" Zakir dead panned.

"Not at first. But then Iya sent me her picture through what's app. She said I should quickly open it that it's very important. So I did. And then...I forgot she lied to me in the first place" he smiled.

"Can I see the picture?" Emeka asked curiously.

Saif shook his head. "You can't see her or meet her until we are married" he looked so serious Emeka raise a hand in surrender. "You are too fierce. Nina is it for me" he laughed.

"All the side chicks you keep scattered around Nigeria. What are they?" Saif asked.

"They are my lady friends. Even Nina will tell you. It is totally allowed" he grinned.

"I wish I was as brave as you. Lola will kill me if I have a lady friend" Ade smiled, not minding that his wife is so possessive.

"You look like you don't even mind. I don't think I'll marry again. But I like to think that the option is with me and not with my wife" Zakir agonized. "As it should be"

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