Chapter 19

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So Saif took us home. One glance told me I should not look at him again. He has this dark aura to him that made him unequivocally unapproachable.

I stopped crying, thinking that maybe he is pissed that my tears are hypocritical since you know, I kinda deceived him into marrying me. But he didn't even look at me. He acted as if I was invisible to him. I started to feel very nervous. Saif was always irritated at things I'd done but he will never be this cold to me. It made me feel small and insignificant. I wanted to start afresh with him. If he gave me a chance, I will definitely make it worthwhile. I mean, there's nothing I can do about my physical appearance but there are a lot of other things I can do. I also know that by nature, I'm a caring person. I've always put others before me and I know I can put his interests before mine.

He could have it all with me if he chooses to.

Apparently, he didn't think so. When the driver parked, he went out of the car, totally ignoring me. I alighted from the car, feeling all self conscious. Like a true hypocrite, I walked behind him sum sum sum you would think I was caught stealing red handed.

I imagined that I was married for love. That because miracles are true, Saif fell in love with me. Perhaps he would hold my hand as he did earlier and walk me into his house. His face will show pride, his eyes will glitter from happiness and he would try his best to make me feel loved, cherished... What I would do for him to laugh like he did during the dinner party...

That one moment cannot be faked, I know. I'm glad that I danced for the first time. I don't regret my foolish trial.

"Wai why are you following me?!" He snapped.

My eyes widened. Is Saif truly shouting at me? What did I ever do to deserve this? I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn't know we were about to enter his apartment. I took several steps backward. I almost fell from the stairs. He didn't look like he cares.

I bobbed a quick sorry and turned back to climb the other stairs where my room is.

"Ke! Who told you to enter that room?!" He raged.

My heart beat in my chest, fear snaking around the little flesh, making goosebumps decorate my suddenly feverish skin. I was shaking like a leaf. He was a totally different person.

He climbed down his stairs like a raging bull and climbed up the one leading to the room I was supposed to occupy as if on a mission. He walked past me, opened the door and peeked inside. Surprise flitted across his face and he gave me a look I'll never forget. It was full of anger, I wanted to melt just so the ground can suck me under..

He closed the door and then gave me another fierce look.

"Don't ever step foot in that room" he warned. He didn't give me another room. He walked back to his part of the house and banged the door closed.

My heart was still beating furiously in my chest all I want to do is cry again. And maybe people are right. Sadness is a dam, once an opening surfaced, it will just overflow. And maybe that's why I wanted to cry. I was crying because I've been separated from my sisters. Now I am crying because I don't know where I stand.

He still doesn't accept me.

I sat down on one of the stairs, wondering what I should do.

When I saw Maree climbing up the stairs, I felt very embarrassed. Of all days to humiliate me. Why did he choose my wedding night!

I tried to look as blank as I could. Inside, I was shattering from the rejection, feeling all kinds of inferior. But outwardly, I wanted to remain as impenetrable as ever.

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