Chapter 21

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Amal served everybody.

The garnishing is perfect, the plates look so sparkly it's like they are brand new. Everything screams first class. I am still apprehensive. What if it doesn't taste right? After all this show, what if it tastes bad?
It will be worse than if she didn't do anything right. Or better yet, if she wasn't so stubborn.

Shaheedah is the first to comment.

"Wow! Is it just me, or is the food looking freaking adorable?!" She praised.

"My mouth is already watering from the aroma alone. Can you look at that chicken!" Lola chimed in.

Nina is the first to taste it.

Nina froze, everyone waited with baited breath to see if it is the good freeze or the bad one.

Nina spurt out the entire food back on the plate as she screamed bloody murder! Emeka jumped so fast, he reached her side in a second flat. He poured her water and gave it to her, rubbing circles on her back. Tears blurred Nina's vision and a few escaped her pain filled eyes.

No one dared to taste the meal again.

Everyone was scared. They wanted to find out what is going on. When Nina composed herself, she sniffed miserably.

"Fuck darling. Just fuck the fucking Fuck" she swore.

We all stared at her with curiosity. Just how bad was it?

"Damn Em. Damn you for bringing me here" she cursed.

Emeka swallowed nervously. He was trying very hard not to stare at either me or Amal. He's trying to give us face.

"Honey, what's wrong?" He asked soothingly.

"It fucking tastes like salt!" She exclaimed. Emeka's eyes widened with shock. He finally looked at Amal who has a blank look on her face. He frowned, turning his gaze to me as if to say 'well? What do you have to say in your defense?'
I just laughed. You know hahahha. Because damn! Am I supposed to fucking cry!

No one bought act. They just stared at me through veiled gazes.

I am flippin livid! But emarrassing Amal for embarrassing me is too petty.
I stood up, taking in Pretty's flushed face. She looks as guilty as sin. Then my gaze settled on Maree who seems to look genuinely shocked.

You could hear a pin drop.

Everyone waited to see what I will do.

With an inscrutable frown, I looked over at the perpetrator of this crime.

"Go on. Defend yourself" I stated mildly. Inside, I'm seething mad! It doesn't take a grown adult to figure out this puzzle. I don't get why it has to happen though.

Amal looked at me, her eyes firing with hot larva. She is angry. So angry, I wondered why the hell she is stealing my emotions. She's supposed to look remorseful, embarrassed, cornered, anything but anger.

That emotion is supposed to be mine!

Amal frowned, her eyes narrowing ever slightly. I see her taking in Pretty's features. I see the dark look she sends Maree and I think I knew the time she would snap if she is the shattering type. But Amal grew rigid instead, the coldness radiating off of her in droves. She gave Nina a fleeting look.

"Sorry". The one syllabic response sounds rude. There was not an ounce of remorse, just heat.

Before I could respond, she walked out of the room.

Whimsical beauty ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora