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Chapter ten

***I was wronged***.


My office has a beatific view of the city. It's especially fantastic at night. You can see the palace, all lit up in its magnificent glory. The amazing parks all around it lend it an even more majestic air. It's an amazing view really.

I smiled towards the scene feeling glad for once that I'm taking charge of my personal life. When I remember how I bullshitted in front of my uncles a few hours ago, it makes me smile a lot. Why? I've just solved one problem.

I just needed to move unto the next phase of my plan.

I had been at the Alkali house earlier and I met with mommy Haseeyah. She's the most influential woman in that house. I've made my guesses and realized that if anyone can help me, it would be her. Who am I kidding! There is barely a person unwilling to help me as long as I wasn't being impossible! Anyway, I had a nice chat with her about Maicki traditions and she gave me a way out.

She said "to be honest, I don't like Sultana. She's isn't good enough for you. She should be jumping in glee that someone like you is proposed to marry her! Yet she's acting so high and mighty! So, I would really help you my brother' and I liked every word she spoke.

"First of all, did you personally agree to this marriage?" She asked.

"No" I replied easily.

"Did you sign the agreement?" She asked.

"No" was my second reply.

"Good. Then play dumb. Whenever a true heir is getting married, the bride is almost always unknown until the very end! Were you given that choice?" She inquired.

"No" I think I knew where she was going with that but I let her have her moments. She's right though. When Sultana was proposed for me, she isn't supposed to be the final choice. As a reputable man of honor, I am entitled to a wide range of choices! They went ahead and made it known that it was just Sultana, like I've chosen because they were counting on me not knowing the rules and following along blindly. Once I commit myself, they could easily use public sentiment to kick off my grievances. I don't have a clean married record so people would easily believe them over me.

Breaking a promise is a great crime for royals in Maicki.

"Ask for a proper wedding Mrithi! There is nothing anyone can do. But you must not negotiate directly. I suggest you speak to Mwenye and the others so they can represent you" she replied.

"Won't the Alkali house be accused of going back on their words? After all, the invitations were distributed by this family too right?"

Mommy Haseeyah laughed. "You won't get the women's ways Mrithi. Don't try to puzzle us out. Besides, everyone will play dumb. If we think you agreed to it, it's justifiable that we distributed the cards. We will just apologize for not having a proper discussion with you before the entire thing went viral"

I was very satisfied wth her devious mind. So I nodded. I would speak to the women and then leave the messing up to them! After all, Mommy Haseeyah isn't just a rash woman with a hot temper. She is a diplomatic at heart and when push comes to shove, I'm quite sure she knows how to maneuver things around without causing too much trouble!

Now as I sat in my office, thinking of Minaa, I can't help but smirk. Sultana, you are a wild card I'm not releasing early. But I can't marry you because I love someone else!

You are not the only one though. A lot of people have to pay their debts soon as well. But I'm patient.

I can wait.

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