Chapter 26

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This is their room at Le pigonnet

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This is their room at Le pigonnet. Pic from google

@Sauzansuhayb thanks for reading voting and commenting. May Allah ta'ala reward you dear. You truly made my day😘

**the kissing part***


I was bored out of my mind. My back pains are intensifying the longer I lay on the bed. But I am tired of walking around the room, looking for things to do. But I'm also very concerned about the way Saif is behaving. What did I do to make him look so angry? Pure unadulterated rage was oozing from his profile and it got me truly confused. Knowing I could not solve the puzzling mystery, I decided to shift my thoughts to a more productive matter.

Like the anxiety I felt from my sisters when we talked over the phone. I'm quite certain something happened. But try as I might, I could not guess it. My mind drifted to Bakree and Abdu. Their presence is still a mystery Abba refused to solve. Anti had tried on multiple occasions to ask Abba why they were there, in a house filled with young girls. She was very particular about their stay and I sensed she too seemed a bit worried. But Anti is quite different from me. Over time, the handsome boys won her over with sheer kindness and flattery. Now that I'm away, I can't really control what happens. Control, in the sense that I have laid down boundaries which no one had the courage to step on. I don't like the way Bakree gazes at Zahra. It's a look that told me he was drawn to her. As if...

I halted the thoughts laughing dryly to myself. Nah! It can't be. He isn't crazy enough to try that none sense. Nevertheless, I can't wait to get back just so I can confirm. That would help to put my mind completely at ease.

Abdu is quite different. At first, I thought that he was the better one of the two. He's easygoing and kind. He is polite and respectful and he seems to have morals which shone as soon as you talk to him. But later, there's this vibe I kept getting from him which I cannot name.

I don't trust them at all. Especially not Abba.

I turned over on the bed so I was lying on my stomach. My eyes stopped on the bags the big guy brought earlier just after Saif left.


When I married Saif, I thought that I could use his influence to uplift my family station. Maybe later when we are fine, I could be able to decide for myself if it worked or not. If it didn't work out, I would ask for a divorce. But now I realized that it was a naive thought. No girl in her right mind would marry him and then wish for a divorce. In retrospect, the exact opposite happened. I find myself constantly fearing he will grow tired of trying to make it work and just wake up one day realizing that I was nothing compared to Maree or pretty. Then he would wonder why he tolerated me and the end product will be divorce.

I regret not coming clean when Iya put her plan in motion. Perhaps then, I would still be his 'little' and my brain will be safe from all the doubts plaguing me like a little rascal!

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