Chapter 22.2

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"The hugging part"

"Did you ever think just once that maybe you deserve to be loved as well?" He queried and there is something in his eyes I could not understand. It called out to me as if needing me to be able to recognize it and translate it. Alas I could not. I wish I could.

My heart beat in my chest for no reason at all. A feverish heat rose to the surface of my skin as I stared into those beautiful eyes which had nothing to do with the fever. I wanted to tell him I've never thought of it that way. That I always thought since I'm eldest, I don't need anyone to love me. That if they love me back, it's reward enough. But... That's not entirely true. It's just been one day into my marriage. But...

He had ignored me, acted like he doesn't care. He shouted at me, humiliated me and he made me cry more than a few times. Among all of the above, the only thing that truly bothered me was how he didn't seem to care. I realize I want him to care.

Like I need him to care.


So I kept quiet. I don't think he ever will, but, even if it's very small, I would love it if he did.

He released my face, looking away.

"Get some more rest. I'll be back later" he stated. He looks a bit in a rush when he went out. I sighed. If I want him to care, do I need to reciprocate? How does it work?

I felt so tired after the meal and I went back to sleep. It was when I woke up that Saif told me I had missed salat.

"How many salats did I miss?" I asked.

"Three days worth of salat" he replied.

"Seriously?" I asked worriedly.

He smiled. "Seriously. But, since you were out, I don't think you need to do them. Just start from subh to asr since you have been active since then" he explained.

After I prayed, he brought me a fried chicken with some kind of sauce. It is very delicious and I ate it all.

"If you eat so much, why do you look so thin?" He asked.

"I don't really eat that much. I'm just famished. Maybe that's why I ate so much" I explained with a smile. I felt heat all over my face from the embarrassment. There's only the bones left now. I was such a glutton.

"I never thought African women could blush" he remarked. "Little, I think you are blushing right now" he teases.

I looked away to hide in my hijab.

"So I've decided not to be hard on you any longer. At least until you are well again" he announced. "You could use a break. I could always go back to being very stern when we get back to Nigeria" he explained. "And better be warned. I will be very stern. I want to see you graduate"

Oh that's why he's being nice to me. Because I'm ill and he wants me to attend school.

"Come sit down next me. Let's talk" he stated.

I did as he asked.

"You don't need to wear hijab around me you know" he remarked.

I removed the hijab and looked down waiting to hear what he will say.

"Do you know what marriage is?" He asked me by way of conversation.

"A union?" I asked.

"Of what?" He asked back.

"Of two lonely people?" I replied with another question.

"Ah. Lonely" he laughed. "You are not serious" he used his finger to flick my nose. "So if you are not lonely, you don't get married?" He asked.

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