Chapter 28.2

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Phatie dear, I love your comments. Masha Allah, they made my day! Thanks sis😘

***i could be princess***

Sulaimanu crescent, Kano state, Nigeria.


I couldn't sleep in the last two days. Apprehension clawed at my insides whenever I see the guards outside. It feel as if they will come in and gun us off any instant.

I was even more apprehensive of Saif's silence. Couldn't he call at least once to check up on us?

I hated Amal for every second his silence lasted. I hated her for every minute she spends away with my husband. I hated her for everything going wrong in my life.

I have never hated anyone as much as I hate her. I can't help but wonder Wai ni Maree, ni aka hada kishi da kwailah!

I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear Ya Nuri come in.

"Kai Maree! Why so glum?" She stated by way of making her appearance known.

I looked over at Ya Nuri, a smile slowly forming on my face. I jumped and hug her happily. I haven't seen Ya Nuri in a year. She is married to the ambassador of China. All my sisters marry rich. It is an unspoken rule. At first, my mother belittled Saif's earnings as a simple executive of a company. But then she realized he has roots with the Alkali and all was forgotten.

Ya Nuri and I sat. I pressed a button on the side of my bed and spoke to the kitchen directly through the internal communications device.

"Bring a plate of dates and a can of fresh milk for Ya Nuri" I ordered.

Ya Nuri beamed at me. "You are looking very nice Maree" she praised. I know I look good. I used to have a good life. Until...

"But you look kind of thin too" she observed.

I smiled. "Who wouldn't if the in laws target you?"

Ya Nuri seemed interested. She sat down. "Wai Maree is what I'm hearing true? That SGD married Iya's house Help?" She asked in hushed whispers that made her astonishment apparent.

"Is that all you heard?" I asked with a raised brow.

"They say she is very young too and that Iya forced him to marry her. Is it true?" She asked.

"If he was forced, he will not go on a honeymoon with her Ya Nuri" I said it drily but Ya Nuri saw past my bravado and read my pain.

"I knew this would happen. You love him so much Maree. I knew he would cause you pain" she remarked.

I know she is right. But sometimes, reality is pain. I wish...

I wish I can choose someone other than Saif. But Saif is just..he's everything I wanted in a man. He is drop dead gorgeous, kind, smart and very affectionate. When he smiles and those dimples show, ya Allah! I just love Saif.

Ya Nuri will not understand. It is safe to say that only I married for love. All my sisters married because the situation was right. The moment that suitor with cash and roots shows up, it's a done deal. But I was different. I wanted more from my life. I wanted love and affection. I wanted to have it all. Yet...

Maybe what I want which seems so close, is just so far out of reach.

"Love is real Ya Nuri. It's so real, it's equal parts misery and merriment. Sometimes I feel like no one on earth can be happier than I am. Other times, I feel as if I'm very unfortunate. It's just life Ya Nuri" I rationalized.

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