Chapter 11

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Kamu: a traditional celebration that involves spraying of perfume on the bride while her relatives prayed for her. This will happen after or sometime during cultural activities that has to do with dancing and music. It's very interesting when you attend one. Though I suppose it sounds silly just saying it.

An kamata: have they done the Kamu?

Ina yanuwanta ne: where are her relatives?

Ki mayi ki gani: I dare you to do it, you will see what happens!

A mutumce: with dignity

Kuma da ka rufawa kanka asiri: and you would've kept your pride.( she is referring to the fact that if the guests were welcomed in his home rather than a hotel, they would feel more at home and he would look more respectable in their eyes)

Gyale: veil

Ni yanzuma: now I...

Kinsan Allah: he is trying to swear by Allah as he was talking to her to make her understand that there is nothing she could do to change his mind.

Ango: groom

Me fah: what?

Ina yini: good evening

Ka sha kamshi: it's something people say to hail (praise) grooms since grooms in Hausa land are attributed to dressing up to look good for their brides during the early stages of their marriage. Some continue, other, not so much..
Smelling nice is kamshi

Uwar gida ran gida: it's like praising the first wife by telling her that she gives the home life.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I closed the door to the toilet. My whole body feels like the woman had put iron sponge to scrub it until the skin came off. Ya Allah! Is she trying to change the way my skin looks?

This gyaran jiki is as useless as I had guessed. So what if my skin changes a little? It won't change me!

I heard the bang bang of the door as Anti called me several times. I sat with my back to the door and ignored the commotion outside as I recuperate.

Who knew Anti will tell on me! She went and meet Iya. Then she told her Allah knows what and then Iya bought it all. For once in my life, Iya scolded me. I was very annoyed. Yet I didn't blame any of them. Anti had spent 100k on this. Naturally she will see it to the end.

As for Iya, These days, Her only thought is how she could make me the ideal bride. Sometimes, she sits me down and tells me about Saif and his late parents. How he lost all his Dankano inheritance and how he rose up to the seat of chairman at MIA cooperatives. Finally, she told me about how he became an Alkali. She even told me how important he is to papa. I listened, but for the life of me, I don't know what I am supposed to do with it. Yes, I do understand him a little bit better when I think of the things she had told me from her own perspective.

Yet, Iya has said that Saif did not like talking about himself. How come he had been the one who told me about his inheritance episode even though i did not ask? I remember that being the longest conversation we have ever had. I guess at the time, he needed a neutral ear to listen. I always thought that he said it all because I was the one to be there at that moment in time. But in retrospect, perhaps it is more than that.

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