Chapter 12

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Wai budurwarsa Saif zai aura ne: is it his girlfriend Saif is marrying?

Ban taba sauraronsa ba: I've never given him a time of day

Maman baby: baby's mother


"Where are you going?"

I wiped another tear as i continued to stuff in more pretty dresses in my medium sized pink akwati.

"I'm asking you. Talk to me"

I sat down next to the akwati and sighed.

"Kano state mom" imagonized. "He won't even speak to me. He has never done that since our wedding. The silly girl must really be important to him"

Mom looked so angry once I spoke. "Life can't go on like this Pretty. You can't just make yourself miserable after any little thing" she advised.

"It's not little mom! For once, I feel like he is truly warming up to me. I can't let it slip away just like that!"

Mom used both her hands to cover her face in frustration.

"This is my chance mom. No matter how much he likes her, it can't be more than how much he would like his own child. I want to use the opportunity to make a place for myself too. I'm tired of living in Maree's shadow. I want to feel important as well" I paused. "I'm desperate mom. I don't know what to do!" And the desperate plea in my voice must break my mother's heart a little...

It might sound silly, but it's real for me. No one understands how much I love Saif. No one knows how hard it is, living everyday with the knowledge that he might never come to care for me in the same way that  I care for him. This bone deep sorrow that accompanies rejection and the finality of his resolution...

Honestly, I don't know this girl he is marrying. But I'm so jealous. Ya Hayyu! I am jealous!

I finished packing, the pregnancy is making me dizzy the moment I did anything remotely strenuous. Just packing sent me in a dizzy spell. But no matter how I get, this feeling of having Saif's child in me, makes me feel so special. Maybe I might not be first in anything, but insha Allah^, I will give him his first child.

The old lady who stays over is the sister of mom's fgrandfather. Once I saw her, I knew she had something to say. She knows I'm leaving and I have already said my goodbyes.

"You have a visitor" she stated.

"Who is it inna?"^ I asked.

"It is that Hauwa kulu" she replied.

Surprised, I asked "where is she?" Isn't she supposed to be at Saif's wedding?

Inna shifted on her bony old legs before fixing me with a penetrating look. "I don't like that woman. Whenever she is here, she brings you gossip. You better be aware of her type. The same way she gossips about other people, she will gossip about you to someone else as well. And who knows when it will be your enemy!" She warned. Inna left after saying that.

I sighed. Inna can be so dramatic. But she is also right. Hauwa loves to gossip. And I can't help but encourage her because I hear a lot about Maree which tend to be in my advantage. I know it's bad. I just can't help myself.

"Why are you so dressed up?" Is the first thing she asked me.

I sat down, giving a slow hiss. "Mtssw! Saif's wedding" I replied. Anyone can weigh the annoyance in my tone.

She made a face. "Seriously? I didn't think you are going" she asked.

"Why would you think so? Maree came to my wedding. She was so smug that Saif barely made an appearance. I don't think she will ever forget that he didn't try to look like he cared just the way he did with her wedding! But ya Salam! How can I miss this? I don't even know the blasted girl! I can't make the mistake of meeting her after the wedding"

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