Chapter 14

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He is like a ticking bomb, waiting for the slightest opportunity to take off. But I was calm. I have to remain calm. No matter what, Amal will not be Divorced. Better yet, I want people to have proof that Saif wants her right where she was, as his wife.

I will use every weapon in my arsenal. This is war.

One day when I'm gone, I'm sure the couple will look back and pray for me, heartily proud that I did it for them. For now, it's going to be rocky, convincing Saif to keep her. I'll also have to consider Amal's feelings on this. The biggest problem is that she is still but a child. I don't think she knows what love means let alone recognize it. If I'm not very careful, they could end up hurting each other badly.

What other choice do I have but to let them think they choose to live together, not on my terms, but theirs as well?

And for that, I also have a few cards up my sleeve.


I looked around me. The house has a driveway sided by lush greenery. It walked up to a familiar fountain which spurted out water as tiny little diamonds before meeting with the flush of the water attack from below. The front of the house stood in magnificent splendor leading to a most amazing parlour. There are two staircases forking at the end which leads to two different apartments. One is the place I intend to live in and the other had always been a mystery. I always thought I will close it off to avoid trouble. There are six different apartments in the house that is excluding the guest house at the back and the boys quarters near it. I always thought that Maree will live the the apartment directly below me and Pretty will take the one on the other side. That way, we won't have to be so far apart and they can come into my apartment any time since they are all linked. The bride will take the one directly below the one opposite mine and I thought we will live as a family for once.

But the bride is Amal.

How could I have been so blinded? I should've known! The biggest blow was being tricked so effortlessly. Like I wanted to be tricked. In fact, I encouraged them to trick me. I feel like such a fool! A stupid stupid fool!

The question I ask myself now, which I cannot even answer, is that, what do I do? So many things ride on the balance. Bottom line is, I will not be cornered the third time. Wallahi I won't.

So I ask myself. What reason do I have not to divorce Amal?

None. She deceived me. She does not deserve any mercy at all. I treated her well. I tried to make her feel loved and cared for. She was like the little sister I never had. At first, I pitied her. Then I began to respect her. That little girl had taught me a lot. The reward I was hoping for was the one that will come in my book of record the day I need it most. Who knew she had one of her own?

Truth be told, I don't know anything anymore. I could claim it was sisterly love that bind us but dare I question the other matters of our case? Dare I delve into that part of me I wanted buried and gone?

The biggest issue, I recognized, is that she is too young.

I'm not sure if she is fifteen yet. Can you imagine?

One thing I know for sure is that no matter what, my decision needed to be based on what I want. Neither Iya nor Papa will influence me any longer. I have given them their due.

It is time I took control of my life.


So that night, i took pills and fruitlessly tried to sleep for over an hour. I could not go home with my sisters since I do not yet know if I am part of the Alkali clan or still a Nasir Dankano member.

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