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I'm dedicating this chapter to Southernsuhayb.
Congrats on ur graduation sis!

Chapter fourteen

Throwing the gauntlet


"SIR!" Emeka barked in my ear, startling me for the umpteenth time. I smiled sheepishly at his furious expression. Wow! What is wrong with you Saif Alkali?! I wondered. Then I sighed, my body sagging behind in my chair in resignation.

"Sir! You have more than eighty missed calls and you refuse to pick up even one!" He fumed. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you huh?!" He snapped. Apparently, he has temporarily forgotten that here at work I am his boss. And how can I blame him? For the first time in my life, I can't focus on work.

The reason why shames me though. Cox...

It's because of a girl! Damn it! Just a girl!

I can't believe Minaa is capable of distracting me from something as important as work! And today of all days too! This power she's beginning to wield over me is quite..startling!

It all started yesterday night. I was itching to reach out to her all these weeks but..

But I can't!

Mwenye assures me that seeing her will do more harm than good. At this point, she's just another girl that could be chosen by me! If I should reach out too early, she will be accused of devious things. She would've provided a weapon which could be used to sway public sentiments!

So, I waited. Or rather, I thought I could wait. But..

I was in too much stress yesternight and I couldn't help it. I dialed her phone number. At first, I just wished to hear her say anything. She has a soothing voice that has a terrific calming effect in my mind. I've spoken to her a total of two times. But each time, there are two things I could not forget about her.

One was her voice.

She has a cool sorta melodic voice that shoots straight to very sensitive parts of my heart.

The second is her eyes. Damn! Those eyes...

Allahu Akbar! They are

And so she picked up after the second ring. And before I could say much, she said very few static words that totally got to me.

She said "Mrithi..Allah loves the patient...." And the phone went dead!

Tell me, if I wasn't quite whipped, why would such words affect me so badly? Why the hell would I spend two full hours analyzing them and repeating them in my mind wishing she was close to me and whispering them to my ears? I mean, I know that Allah loves the patient! My Malam said it several times in islamiyya and it's something Hausa people are fond of reminding you each time they want to dupe you or force you to consent to your own demise!

They were beautiful when she said it.

Because she said it, she reminded me of certain aspects of my life and I spent another hour in a sea of regrets. If I was a bit more patient, perhaps, I wouldn't have made so many life altering decisions...things I deeply regret every second of everyday..

And one thing was THE event that's gonna happen today.

No one knows what I would do today. But I do. And in the long run, I don't feel an ounce of regret.

My enemies have to die! It's either me or them.

That pain I felt, that mind numbing, earth shattering pain that almost killed me when I saw Papa being hanged for a ridiculous reason... That powerlessness..the utter injustice...

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