Chapter 34

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***For her***

I picked out a black Arabian gown I loved so much. The first time I saw it, I didn't know who my wife was going to be. But I remember comparing the nature of the dress and what I was imagining she will be like. I just felt that it would look good on her. Whoever she was. When Iya said she is Amal's size, I kept comparing the dresses that I bought with the Amal that I knew, only, I imagined she would be fuller, more matured. So I don't know if it will fit the current original Amal who so happens to be the wife.

Ya Ilahi! I have been married to her for only a month. But it feels like years. That feeling of shame and anger, feels like a myth. Iya is right. When I like someone, I forgive very easily. Perhaps it is why I forgave her so quickly. In a way, I am glad she tricked me. I would never have consented to marry I her otherwise. It would've been the biggest mistake of my life. This credit should be given to Iya as she once again proves that she has foresight.

But I'm still reluctant to give her the full credits. What she did was wrong..

I shook my head to clear the thoughts. Then I left the room which used to belong to my mother and went back to my room. Pretty was watching cartoon in my living room. A frown crept up on my face as I realized something.

I never did put any rules on who enters my room and when!

At first, it's deliberate. When I don't want to be alone with either one of them, I get rescued when the other breaks the bubble. But now, I really want to be with Amal, I feel we have very little time...

Pretty looked over at me. She has her make up on and she is wearing a killer fitted pale yellow dress which honestly makes her look very beautiful. But I still don't feel the attraction.

"Dear. Let's talk for a little while" she stated. Her gaze slowly travelled to my hand as she eyes the bundle I held with curiosity.

"Okay" I accepted. Then I sat down very far from her but in a way that would allow me to face her.

"Amal is in your room isn't she?" She asked, giving me this reading look as if trying to gauge my reaction.

"Why the question?" I redirected the inquisition.

"Because you look kind of calmer when I look at you. I like seeing you this calm. I like it when you are happy" she replied.

"Oookayyy.." I drawled questioningly.

"So I thought, since we will soon be leaving Nigeria for good. Why don't I leave first? That way, you get to say goodbye to Amal without any interruptions?" She suggested. I can see she is just being brave. But she truly did surprise me. I didn't think she would be this understanding.

"Let's get back from Minna first. Then we can talk" I replied in a neutral voice. But the thought of being here with Amal without Pretty and Maree makes my heart jump with anticipation.

"But Amal can meet the family anytime. It doesn't have to be now. Besides, won't it be better if we come back later with me and Maree, you and Amal so we can all visit Abuja and minna as a family?" She suggested.

"So what do you propose we do?" I asked, hoping she suggests that she leaves tomorrow morning! In reality though, I acted as if it was all just normal, like I wasn't trying very hard not to jump out of my own skin from absolute and sincere happiness.

"It depends on how soon you get me a ticket and if the House in Raome is ready for inhabiting" she replied.

"Our house isn't ready yet. It needs at least one week to be ready. But the real problem is, the Alkali house wants to throw a welcoming feast for us the same day we are moving in so everyone knows that we are back to our hometown.." I explained.

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