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There were over a thousand people gathered at court today. All of them were invited especially to witness the crowning of the new Emir.

There's a sea of people outside just waiting for the crowning to conclude so they can pay their respect to their new Emir.

But the first to offer her greetings shall be queen.

And here, on this fateful Wednesday, lacks the presence of the second most important person during the crowning.

The wife of the new Emir.

Everyone was gossiping about why she wasn't here to support her husband. As usual, the rumors are damaging. This has reinforced the belief that such a young girl cannot be mistress of a house as complicated as the Alkali. Much less the queen.

Finally, Saif Alkali has been blessed by the elders and having fulfilled all traditions prior to the actual crowning, he was finally allowed to step on the throne and claim what was his.

As he sat down, the venue went silent as people wondered how Mina could afford to shame her husband on such a very life changing event.

Then the daughter of the Ahmed Household, Yesmin, stepped forward bravely then. No one noticed her in the crowd. But here she was, showing her face at a most critical time. Everyone is aware that if she offers her greetings now, then..

Minaa will lose her position completely.

Each step Yesmin took reverberated in the hearts of those who adore Mina. Each step, heightened the excitement of the moment because everyone is aware that this moment is why Yesmin disappeared.

Now she is still the wife of the Mrithi who will be Emir.

And she is free to assume the role of a queen.

Yesmin wore an elaborate gown made from a beautiful African lace. She looks every bit as the queen should. Cold, elegant and arrogant..

She stood in front of the throne and looked up at the Emir who simply stared back blankly.

The moment she was about to curtsey, another figure flashed past her. The figure curtseyed and offered her greetings to the new Emir "facilitations to his Highness" she stated softly and everyone watched as the Emir smiled.

She isn't as fashionable as Yesmin. Neither was she the arrogant unfeeling type. But none of it mattered if Saif wants her to be queen.

"Arise, Queen Mina" he grinned.

Everyone was startled. Mina..

Isn't she supposed to be stuck in Nigeria? How can she make it here in time?

Saif Alkali stepped down from his throne and stood next to her. Mina slowly rose to her height and she smiled back at the emir.

Then she turned to look at Yesmin. It was just a casual one second look but she could read the fire in Yesmin. The dumbfounded amazement and it pleased her greatly.

Mina turned back to stare at the people in the hall. Her breath hitched at the number of people gathered here to witness her husband's crowning.

She saw Zahra and Bakree off on one side. Anisa and Ganiyu as well as Salma and Abdu. Even little Aminatu. And she smiled. They can fool anyone into thinking they are the ideal couples.

She saw Khalifah and his wife, Bibi, Abba and mom, anti, the Dankanos..

Almost everyone She cared about came.

But of course, there are others like Maree as well. But most of all, she saw the one woman she didn't think she will see.


Marka wore a black veil that covered half her face but Mina recognized her from the set of her jaw. And when she raised her head, their eyes met and She saw that Marka's eyes were red even though she isn't crying.

Mina looked back to Maree who couldn't hide her tears. But instead of the customary arrogance, she looked resigned and hurt and all kinds of depressed. Even a little weak..

Saif removed the most glittering Alkyabba from a cushioned tray and then placed it over Mina. It resembled what he wore and it instantly transformed ordinary Mina into a dazzling star.

Right now, Yesmin is nothing but part of a crowd. Nowhere near as outstanding as the new queen.

Everyone bowed to the new Emir and his queen.

Mina was still focusing on Maree when this happened. She saw the weak way she bowed along with everyone else and she shifted her gaze to Marka who looks like she was losing her mind. Her red eyes darted wildly and she saw that there was only one way.

She had to bow. Just like everyone else.

And she went down slowly, like everyone, she too bowed. Mina did not miss the slight trembling of her shoulders as she did. She must be in a world of agony right now. The girl whom she beat and abused, is standing so high above her now and she even had to bow and pay her respects now. It must've been a bitter pill to swallow. Though she supposed Marka would make it here if for nothing but to see Mina lose her value. She must think Yesmin will win this round. Too bad everyone miscalculated. Mina wasn't in Nigeria. She just pretended to have left so everyone shows their true colors..

She took in the astonished faces of the Alkali women with a cold perception and they all looked uneasy. Even a little scared. Even mommy Haseeyah looked weird. These women must think she is stupid. They are obviously trying to kick her to her very limit and they still preferred Yesmin to her because they wanted to use the opportunity to keep her down. She has no idea why it bothered them why Saif cared so much for her. They prefer a woman who would always run back to seek for advise because she has husband issues. Or one who Saif would say no to until she begged and maybe employ some elders help..

Too bad they got Mina and they are just realizing she isbt going anywhere. And now, Mina doesn't care what they do. So they can't even bully her...

Finally, Mina, looked back at Saif and she smiled. Saif nodded in approval as she stood tall, assuming a calm expression.

"Your subjects greet you your highnesses" everyone chorused.

"Arise everyone" a loud voice spoke on behalf of the Emir at his signal. Because the Emir only speaks directly to his queen in public. So he could only Answer Mina.

And a new reign began...

Now everyone wondered if he makes it past his first year? Or he would last as long as Tahir? Will he succumb? Will the curse be broken?

Everyone got their answer ten years later as Saif Alkali attended the graduation ceremony of his eldest son, Almir. He looks fit and strong. No signs of so much as fatigue..

Amal gave birth to another set of twins but they were both boys and they looked like their father it's uncanny.

Fortunately, Amal was able to conceive again and she had her little girl. Saif's favorite needs no question.

But Amal's favorites turned out to be the twins cox they look like their father.

Almir seemed more like their younger brother most times that he just couldn't be bothered to compete with the lot.

People still couldn't be sure if the curse is broken but it didn't matter to the Saif Alkali family.

He is fit as a fiddle and they chose to take it all one day at a time.

Of course, people are still wondering who Mina's voodoo consultant was to make an Emir not marry again. Or that special formula that kept a tight leash on his Highness.

We can only say, destiny happened.


It would mean a lot if you read the author's note after this chapter.

Thanks so much for reading whimsical beauty.


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