Hello Goodbye.

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"Vas Happening?" Zayn greeted us all the next morning; Harry had just come out of the shower so his hair was still wet when he let his two friends into the apartment.

Lou was in the kitchen with his family, they'd come to say goodbye to us all, so Zayn and Niall decided they would come over and see them before they left.

"Zayn, Niall" Lou's Mum kissed both of their cheeks, which made them both blush, I had to laugh it was so funny seeing them all blushing like that.

"It's really good seeing you boys." She told them starting to tear up again, Lou and his sister's all rolled their eyes with embarrassment by deep down we all knew they loved it.

"It was so good to see you." I said when I hugged her, she got down on her knees and kissed my belly.

"Next time I come, I will spoil you rotten." She told her unborn grandchild, Lou laughed he was so happy having her here and I knew he would absolutely love having his kids and his Mum together some day, maybe even move back to England. I smiled at him and he winked back at me.

I kissed the rest of the family goodbye, tears started to form in my eyes. I was really going to miss them, I probably wouldn't see them until the wedding which could be ages away and I'd only just gotten used to them being here I admit I was sad to see them all leaving. Harry and Lou were driving them to the airport and coincidently picking Liam up after he lands back onto US soil. Lou planned it out well, not having to make two trips, a smart boy my Lou is.

Zayn and Niall decided to stay and keep me company while everyone was going off to the airport, I wasn't into leaving the apartment much anymore, and my baby was ready to be born at any moment so I didn't want to be anywhere else but home just in case it decided to make a surprise visit.

Zayn wanted us all to watch New Years Eve with him because it was showing on TV, and because it was New Years Eve.

"Zac Efron is so hot" I couldn't help but point out as i sunk my teeth into one of the fresh apples Harry had brought home the day before.

"I prefer Jessica Biel" Niall interjected.

"Well If I were a dude I probably would go for Abigail Breslin." I told them, because in reality she was one of my friends.

"Friends don't count" Zayn complained, which was silly they had never said that rule from the beginning.

"Whatever Malik" I said laughing as i ruffled up his perfectly styled hair to his discomfort.

"Oh. Not the hair." Niall mocked in a high pitched girl voice, which made me laugh so hard I needed to pee.

"I'll be right back" I told them between fits of giggles, and then I made my way to the bathroom to relieve myself, so i could laugh without any accidents.

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