High School

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When I woke up the next morning in my old bedroom, with Lou in the bed beside me, everything felt perfect, the ring was still on my finger, and it felt as though it had been there forever. I left my sleeping fiancé and went down the staircase and into the kitchen, where both of my brother's were getting ready for school.

Justin was making about five sandwiches for his lunch, while Zac was watching the sports channel on the telly, and eating his cereal at the same time. I was so glad they had gotten over their Thomas the Tank engine stage that they'd been in when I had been living here.

"Sup fatty" Justin teased me from behind the kitchen bench, he was looking for an argument but I wasn't going to bite, being the mature woman I am, I sat down at the table and skimmed through the junk mail instead.

"Can you drive yet?" I asked him

"No" was his answer, he had made fun of me for not getting my license till I was 18, and he's almost 18 now what a hypocrite!

"He didn't pass the test" Zac interrupted.

"Shut up" Justin shot back at his annoying little brother.

"Well I can drive" I pointed out, a smug look on my face

"At least I'm not fat" he rudely spat at me, it hurt when he said that, even though it was true, I stared down at my large stomach and automatically felt bad.

"She has a baby, what's your excuse" Zac stood up for me, not moving his eyes from the game.

Mum walked in, and frowned at the arguments.

"You kids never change" she muttered, before putting some bread into the toaster.

"How do they get to school?" I asked Mum.

"They can walk, or be driven, whichever"

"Can I take them? It'll be good to see the old school again"

"Say no Mum" Justin begged, I started to get the feeling that he didn't really like me.

"Sure, take them" she smiled, I felt great especially when I spotted the disappointing look on my brothers face.


I drove Mum's car down to my old high school, it had changed heaps, all the old buildings had been replaced, everything looked way better than I remember.

"Please just stay in the car and go home" Justin pleaded from the back seat, the moody boy hadn't even spoken to me the entire trip, he just sat there with his earphones in and ignored me, Zac had talked to me the whole time, right up until I had dropped him off at the Primary school.

He was out of lock, I locked the car behind us as I walked into my old school, I only recognised a few faces, because they weren't in high school yet when I graduated, but I knew some of the teachers.

"Jay? So nice to see you" Mrs Hamilton my old maths teacher greeted me, a few other teachers remembered me too, and came to say hello, it was refreshing to be able to go somewhere and for people to recognise you for something other than who I'm dating, what movie I'm in or what color I've dyed my hair this month.

I watched Justin hugging all the girls, and high fiving the boys, it was odd seeing him in his high school kingdom, as I had always remembered him as a shy nerd type. He'd turned into quite the opposite while at school.

I went back to the car, because there was nothing else for me to do at a high school. I didn't really want anybody knowing I was here, well not press at least.

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