The announcement.

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Lou was waiting for me when I arrived back at the house.

"Hello my gorgeous wife to be" he kissed me on the neck, when I sat down in the lounge room beside him; he had been drinking tea with my father, who did not have work that day.

"What are you two men up to?" I asked them, Dad shrugged his shoulders, and Louis just smiled.

"We were just talking, that's all"

"So Lou, tell me did Harry and the boys know about you're little aeroplane surprise?" I really wanted to know who was in on this big secret.

"No, but I messaged them telling them that I had something to tell them, just before we boarded"

"You didn't?" my mouth gaped open, because of the time difference, I knew that they would be nervously awaiting the big news, which Lou was making them wait for.

"Relax, your Dad's offering his laptop for us to tell everyone live." He winked, walking me over to the table, where the computer was all set up for us.

"Okay, you sit there, and I'll sit right here beside you" he grabbed an extra chair so that we would both be in view of the camera.

"Now when you were gone, I emailed them telling them to go on twitter, so that they can see the news together"

"Wait what? We aren't telling them on twitter?" I'm pretty sure that is the rudest way to announce an engagement, they're our friends they deserve to know before the public don't they? Before I could protest he'd already started the camera up, and viewers from all over the world were watching us.

"Hello all, Jay and I, we have some news to share with you all, but first I am going to tell you a story." I looked at him as if to say 'have you gone mad?' he didn't take much notice of me though he just babbled on with his story.

"Then Harry fully stacked it, he was lying on the floor like a doormat, and I myself couldn't help him up because I was too busy laughing at Liam" he wasn't even looking at the comments people were making, but I was.

A variation of:

Louis you're so funny

Omg when's the baby due?

Jay you look so bored

Lou dump her and be with me!

Some more comments were made, and when he was finished his awful story he looked at me and he smiled, before grabbing my hand and showing off the ring to the camera, which was broadcasted to all who was watching.

"I have decided that I want to spend the rest of my life with this amazing woman, and if you can't accept that then I'm afraid it's your loss, I love her, and she's the mother of my baby and now my fiancé" he couldn't of sounded prouder if he'd tried, his smile was as big as Australia, and that only made me smile even more.

"Thank you all for all of your support" I blew a kiss to the screen, and wiped away a tear that tried to escape from my eye.

The comments were going nuts:


It's ok there's 4 more 1d members left!

You two are perfect for each other

I'm so jealous, but congratz

I then noticed a comment from Harry, I knew it was from him because I recognised his account name.

Congratulations Boo, make sure you give Jay some love from me. I shall pay you back for keeping this a secret when you get back though! Xx


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