Dinner Dates with the Bestie

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Just like he promised, Liam rang the doorbell exactly 30 minutes after hanging up. Luckily for me, my hair was already pinned up, and I had changed into a new pair of red jeans, with the black sweater. My Mum had sent me for my birthday.

"Hey, you look nice" he complimented me, just like he always does; he's a really great guy I know someday he's going to make the perfect husband!

"Take a good look now cos soon I will look like a balloon." I joked, his laugh comforted me. I really love babies, and I am so very happy to be having my very own, but one thing I was not looking forward to was the weight gaining. No way will I be able to keep my job when i look like a whale. They are going to have to delay the rest of the season as soon as I start showing, Chris is not going to be happy about that I tell you!

"Louis wouldn't care if you were 500 pounds." He assured me, holding the door open as we left my apartment. As soon as I could see the elevator, I turned to him and said "Thank Goodness for these elevators, I would absolutely die if I had to walk all the way up to the 17th floor."

"Have you and Lou talked about where you are going to live after this little one is born?" He laid his hand on my stomach when talking about the baby, which is kind of strange considering I did not look pregnant at all.

"I have no clue, but I don't think Harry is ready to say goodbye to him just yet, I may have to just buy the place next door to theirs"

"Come off it." he whacked my arm gently, and we both chuckled, the running joke about Harry and Lou's bromance still made us laugh even today. When we reached the outside of the building, we kicked a loose stone around between us, all the way along the footpath.

"Where are we going?" I asked him; usually he just took me down to the local coffee shop for a quiche, but we had walked past our usual coffee shop a few minutes ago.

"I thought we'd get pizza for a change. " He winked at me, before taking my hand to cross the busy road.

"I'm pregnant not infant" I told him addressing the fact that he just walked me across the road like a toddler.

"I know, I know." He sounded apologetic; although I'm sure he was just embarrassed that I had minded.

We entered the pizza store and sat down in a booth by the window, we always sat near a window and made up stories about the people who pass by, it was tradition no matter where we ate. Louis though we were insane for doing so, but I can't see how he can talk he's a tad strange himself.

"What do you feel like? Something familiar and boring or something new and exciting?" he asked me, his eyes skimmed the menu from the centre of our table.

"I'll have whatever you do, surprise me, Mr Payne." So off he went to the counter to order our dinner, I decided I'd text Lou because I really did miss him.

To: Louis

Baby I miss you, just at dinner with Liam, what's haz cooking for ya?

He didn't take long to reply which meant he was bored at home instead of out at some club with Harry, this made me extremely happy, I didn't like missing out on partying.

From: Louis

Babe, I miss you more xox and Haz is on a date so I am all alone wahhhh :'(

To: Louis

We'll stop by after we eat xoxox

From: Louis

Thank you! Xxx

Liam sat back down beside me with a pizza dish to share, it appeared to have a whole lot of things I cannot name, but I was starving and didn't care so I shoved the steaming hot piece into my mouth.

"itshh hawt" I managed to say with a mouthful, my tongue was burnt pretty quickly too, Liam was cracking up at my stupidity, typical Liam!

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