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All I could do was nod my head, everyone was staring at me, I looked over to my sister who had a camera in her hand, she must have videoed the whole thing! That’s probably why Lou went off to grab our breakfast with her alone this morning.

I could feel my tears welling up in my eyes, they clouded my vision, my fiancé Louis Tomlinson, -I will never ever get sick of calling him that, until I get to call him my husband!- came over to me, took to one knee and presented the ring, it was massive, I had never seen such a large ring right in front of my face before, I looked into his eyes, they looked so bright, and full of excitement, he was shaking as he slid the ring onto my finger, but I was so happy I didn’t care, the love of my life just proposed to me on a plane to the other side of the world, so I was in a pretty fantastic mood!

“I love you” I whispered as he climbed back into his seat beside me, he held onto my newly ringed hand and examined it carefully.

“It suits you” he told me admiring his great taste.

“and I am going to have to use a crane to lift my finger up” I joked, he chuckled, before resting his chin on my head, we soon drifted off to sleep, as there was nothing else to do on this super long flight, I fell asleep with a smile on my face and so did he.


“Jay” the voice of my mother greeting us at the Sydney International Airport, followed by shy hello’s from both of my brothers, Lou hugged Mum, and shook the hands of both of my brothers, who just so happened to be staring at my enormous belly.

“Why don’t you take a damn picture it’ll last longer” I snapped at them, they both quickly turned away, Mum noticed what they had been doing and threw me an apologetic glance.

“Why don’t you two go help Louis with their suitcases” she suggested, a sigh of relief escaped my lips.

Tamy rested her head on my shoulder, and wrapped her arms around my chest; we had always been close sisters.

“Where’s Bailey?” Tamy asked Mum while we were waiting.

“She’s at uni, and your Dad’s at work” She told us.

“Why are the boys here? What about school?” I questioned her.

“They wanted to see you” she admitted, I looked over to my idiotic brothers helping Louis with our luggage, I couldn’t help but smile as they struggled to lift Tamy’s over sized suitcase.

“Did you tape it?” Mum whispered to Tamy, I turned right around.

“Tape what?” I asked them suspiciously

“The big proposal” Mum smiled at me, lifted my hand up to inspect the ring.

“It’s beautiful” she breathed, admiring the large rock that was now attached to my finger.

“I taped it don’t worry” Tamy smirked, and she headed over to help carry some of our belongings.

“Welcome home” Mum took my hand as we walked outside of the airport together as a family.


“There’s my girl” Dad came bouncing into the kitchen, where Mum had made us dinner, he looked at my new physique, he kissed me on the forehead and he did the same to Mum, and then to Tamy.

“Where’s Bails?” he asked us all, we had no idea she hadn’t been home yet.

“She’ll be here, don’t panic” Bailey had always been Dad’s favourite child, even when she was in her difficult pre-teen stage.

“Who’ll be here?” Came the familiar voice of my sister Bailey, her chocolate brown curls bounced as she let down her hair, she’s the only one of us who had the gift of Mum’s brunette curls, the rest of us inherited Dad’s blonde straight hair.

“Hey beautiful, remember me?” I joked, she came over to hug me, and sat down beside me.

“Your face looks familiar, but I’m sure I must be mistaken” she played along.

“Listen to her accent” Dad interjected, it was embarrassing, and they all wanted me to speak again just to hear my slight American accent.

“I don’t have an accent” I said rather forcefully, they all kept laughing at me though, even Lou did from in the kitchen, he was helping Mum prepare dinner, it was quite cute to see them bonding actually.

“Holey crap” Bailey gasped, once she spotted the ring.

“Bailey” Mum scolded; crap was not an encouraged word in this household.

“But Mum, look at that thing” she was so intrigued by my newest gift, it was amusing to watch, especially when dad got involved with staring at my finger.

“Ok that’s enough, can we eat? I’m starving.” Major fail at trying to change the subject I might add.

“That’s right, I remember you now you’re the mother of my niece or nephew aren’t ya” Bailey teased, so I threw the nearest napkin at her, a weak defence but I did get the point across.

“It’s like watching reality TV” Louis said to my dad, the two men laughed, as if it was the funniest joke ever, when clearly it was not.


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