Chapter 54

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Sally's Pov.

After the fight with Destiny, I felt so ugh! I can't even explain how I felt but I hate Destiny.

We were in the back yard of Gabby and Harry's new house the boys got us back too because they knew what we were doing. I was shooting Niall or practically any boy who was near me.

But Niall kept blushing at me well I did the same. Throughout the whole day I could feel Niall staring I stayed at his house the past couple of days after I was released from the hospital.

"Do you think Gabby will give birth today" Michael whispered, I giggled.

"Probably yeah, you boys should go back to the house I'll call you and let you know if anything happens. Mike will you drive them back to Gabby and Harry's house?" I asked Mike, he nods and takes the boys, I haven't spoken to Luke although I've been meaning to.

"Sally are you hungry, I was about to head to the cafeteria Liam is dead alseep" Niall tells me, I chuckled as I see Gemma and Jennifer Harry's cousin, taking a picture of Liam asleep, probably to send it to Mileeena.

Oh! and if your asking where she is she's visiting her dad she hasn't seen him in about 6 months.

"Sure, I'm getting a little hungry" I tell him, he smiles and we walk to the elevator in silence.

"Um..So do Luke?" Niall shoots out at me, I take him by surprise.

"No, why would you ask me that? if it's about what happen on tour it didn't mean anything Niall it really didn't I don't like Luke at all what's so ever I was just high and drugged up" I tell him, I looked down feeling embarrassed.

"Why didn't you ever talk to me about losing your mom I could have helped you, you didn't have to chose drugs" His voice begins to rise

"I'm sorry! Jesus Niall, I just couldn't talk to anyone about it not even my own brother or sister! I wanted to deal with it alone" I tell him, I step out of the elevator as it opens to the bottom floor to go to the cafeteria.

"We can finish taking about this tomorrow over dinner?" Niall suggests, I try not to smile.

"I guess" I simply tell him, Niall get the food and drinks. He comes back and we just sit in silence.

I texted Kathy and told her Gabby was in the hospital and told her gabby had a false alarm.

After we finished the food, we head back to the floor Gabby was on and we see the boys and girls cheering.

Gabby's Pov.

"They babies are okay right?"I asked, trying to stop worrying.

"Oh yeah they're  fine, your stomach isn't that big though for 7 months which is okay. We looked at the ultrasound and saw that you never found out what your babies gender are correct?" He asks, looking at me and back at Harry.

"Yeah, we never had the chance to get to the doctors appointment to find out the genders it wasn't until next week when we find out" Harry explains to Doctor Ronald.

"Okay, well congrats Harry and Gabriella, your having a baby boy and girl" He says with a huge smile.

Louis, Eleanor, Perrie and Zayn cheered they ran out the room to tell everyone else.

I gasped and put my hands on my face, I was full on crying.

"Shh, baby we're having a baby boy and girl" Harry says as he remove my hands, he was crying.

" I found a great daddy to have my kids with" I tell him, he rests his forehead against mine.

"I found a great mommy " He says kissing me.

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