Chapter Fourteen

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Okay so I lied. Not  my grandest chapter but you'll see where I'm headed.



"Adrian?" Jason repeated my name, his smiling mouth now turning down into a concerned frown. "Are you okay?"

I didn't answer him, instead staring at him with my mouth flapping open and close like a fish. I was pretty sure I looked really unattractive with my eyes bulging from my head.

"W-what-" I stuttered, shaking my head to clear it, "What are you doing here, Jason?"

Jason's frown deepened, his cat eyes displaying a bit of confusion. "Err, I came in here to get coffee," he explained slowly, as if I were mentally incapable of understanding normal speech.

I scowled slightly, not liking his tone, the shock slowly wearing off leaving only a familiar kind of annoyance I usually felt in a Tyler's presence. "Obviously," I grumbled, running my hand in agitation through my sleeked back hair. A habit I picked up from a certain someone. "I mean, what are you doing here? In this town?"

"Oh," Understanding coated his voice and he looked down at his feet. "Well, it's our father's turn to have us for the week. School holidays, remember?"

I blinked in surprise, my mouth forming an 'O'. Right. School. To be honest I hadn't thought much about school in the past weeks, my only concern being about my safety and the safety of the people I love. Could you blame me?

Besides, a couple weeks off school won't kill me, right?

Unless they find you, that negative voice spoke up.

Bugger off, I snapped back.

"What are you doing here?" Jason questioned, tilting his head to the side, his growing brownish-red locks falling in his eyes. "I noticed you weren't at school the last week."

Oh I'm sure you did.

"Oh," I quickly made an excuse in my head. "Er, well, I'm just visiting some f-family friends," I forced a smile, internally wincing. Okay, so maybe Caleb was right. I was a terrible liar.

"Oh," he mumbled, pushing back his hair impatiently. "Did Erickson come with you?" he asked, eyes hesitant.

I frowned, "Um, no. Why?" Wouldn't he have seen Caleb at school?

"Oh," he said again, but this time with a bright smile. "Cool. So maybe I could take a seat and share a coffee?" he asked, eyes bright with hope.

I shifted uneasily in my seat, my head still spinning with questions. I didn't particularly want to sit with Jason, but I had to admit I was curious. Both about being so far out here and about Caleb.

"Sure," I shrugged, gesturing to the seat across from me.

Breathing out a breath of relief, Jason slumped into the chair, cheeks slightly red. As much as I hated to admit it, Jason really was good looking. His build, while not as muscular as Caleb's, was decent. A tight black shirt hugged his muscled arms, jean clad legs long and well shaped. His windswept brownish-reddish locks framed his nicely angled face, his pronounced jaw connecting to lush pink lips. His eyebrows were dark and his eyelashes were more red than brown, but it worked for him, enhancing the green of his sparkling eyes...which were locked on me with an intensity that had the warning bells in my head tinkling.  

"So," I cleared my throat, making a conscious effort to smile. "What was it you were saying about not seeing Caleb around?"

Jason shrugged carelessly, "He wasn't around for the first few days the last week. He did show up on the Friday, though. He looked pretty messed up," he acknowledged, peering up at me through his long lashes.

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