" Like I do need your forgiveness!!! F*ck those words, forget them. Cause I don't care. Do you think I am afraid of your threatening?! I never got scared of your false threatening. By the way we will see soon who will be bankrupt. You must be careful too." She said.

" I don't need to be careful, Mrs. Hill. I don't play evil, I prefer to play fair. I will go straight. You are welcome walking over the thorn I will go smooth. You don't have to think about me, think about yourself. Where will you go then?!" I asked.

" You won't do it. I think you don't want to see your sister living in street and the ugly people ogle her hungrily. Do you? But one thing is there, she is beautiful enough to draw attention." She laughed. My blood boiled in it's highest point. How can she talk like this?!! How can a mother talk like this about her own daughter.

" You no need to think about my sister. She can take care of herself and in a few days she will turn 18. She can decide for her then. You think about yourself. Your selfish behavior made my life hell. I came out of that trying hard. You too need to taste it. I will not leave you before that." I said.

" That clearly planned. Alright, Theodore Roberts, you can't win over me. Remember, I gave birth to you. I won't lose to you. You be careful for not me." She said and I let out a laugh.

" Funny, Mrs. Hill. I do need to be careful!!! Hilarious. I know how much your husband has ability to do something." I said.

" Theo!!!!" She yelled.

" Lower down your voice. I don't give a damn if you even play nasty."  I said.

" Like I give a damn!!! You need to not to be over confident. I am never going to leave it anyways. " She said.

" Ok, set your evil brain. I don't care. I know only one thing that is destroying Hill's name and fame totally. Soon it will be." I said.

" Don't be so confident, Theo. You never know what will happen." She laughed dryly.

" I do know this time. I am not going to forgive you. Whatever why bothering to waste my time. See you when you will sit in street like a beggar." I said.

" Really?!" She mocked.

" Yeah, soon." I greeted.

" Good luck for that then." She said.

" I do have better words then that." I said and hung up. I threw the phone far away and it broke with a loud thud. I palmed my face closing my eyes. I felt like crying.

I knew she hates me but never knew how much. She was trying to play with my emotions. I almost believed her if my private detective didn't have informed me, she would've ruined me already. I sighed. How crazy this life is!!! No one is here for me but my sister Meryl.

I leaned back and closed my eyes stopping myself from crying like a kid. No, Theo you are not weak. Don't cry for a heartless lady.

She is a killer. There is no word as forgiveness in my dictionary for a killer. She is the reason that my dad is no more with me. No one can feel how deep I loved my dad. He loved more. I was their only child. I didn't cry a bit for my dad cause he is in my heart. I cried for my mom. I begged her not to leave me. But she did. She left me alone in this world.

Yes, I admit my dad had committed suicide. But what could he do!!! He couldn't bear the deceive that his beloved wife done with him. I mean who can bear the scene of his beloved wife being in another man's arms in his own bed?! No one can, right!!!! So, my dad was in that no one and he found it's an easy solution to erase the pain by killing himself leaving me alone in this cruel world.

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