cody bellinger

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ROSES | for sweetseager


"He's cute, I'll give you that," Brianna said, opening her locker, "but there's no way he likes me."

"He does! I can tell!" her best friend, Emily, insisted.

"Like I'd ever believe that," she muttered, grabbing her binder. "We may be friends, but I'm sure that's all Cody wants to be."

"Hey, what's that?" Emily questioned, pointing to something at the top of her locker. Brianna reached up, finding a small, red rose resting on the top shelf.

"What the hell?" She picked it up, careful not to prick herself on the thorns. She looked around her locker, unable to find a note that went along with it.

"Looks like you have a secret admirer, Bri," Emily said.

Brianna hummed. "Whoever it is, they should get their head on straight." She closed her locker, keeping the rose in her hand as she walked away. Emily caught up with her, stopping in front of her.

"Why do you keep doubting yourself? You're gorgeous!" she exclaimed.

"Maybe to others, yes," Brianna argued, "but not the most popular guy in school."

For the next couple of weeks, the roses continued to show up in Brianna's locker. She still had no clue who they were coming from. She had asked everyone she knew, but no one had a clue. It fascinated her. All she wanted was to know who cared about her enough to do something like this.

Secretly, she wanted it to be the boy Emily insisted it was; Cody Bellinger. Though she refused to admit it to anyone, she had a large crush on him. Though they hadn't known each other for long, she thought he was amazing. Everything about him captured her more and more.

She hoped he felt the same way.

She doubted that would ever happen. There were so many girls that were prettier than her, or that Cody seemed to like more. She knew she didn't have a chance, but just being friends was enough for her.

"Hey, Bri, look!" Emily said one day as Brianna picked up the routine rose. She reached up, grabbing a small note that had been left under the rose.

Meet me on the baseball field after school?

- C

Brianna looked over at Emily, who nodded. Without missing a beat, Brianna gathered her things from her locker and quickly walked away.

She brushed a piece of hair out of her face as she approached the baseball field. It was in a fairly isolated spot compared to the other sports fields, as it had been rebuilt just a few years prior. It was well built, though, and the best field the school owned.

As she made her way onto the field, she noticed someone standing just outside of the dugout, leaning against the wall. She quickly realized it was Cody, who seemed to be holding a rose. Upon noticing her he quickly stood up straight, hiding the small flower behind his back.

"Cody?" Brianna questioned as he walked towards her. "You're not..."

"I am," Cody answered the question she knew she was asking, holding the rose out to her.

"It was you this whole time?" she asked quietly, taking the rose from him.

"I was too scared to tell you how I felt," he explained. "I wanted to give you a hint about how I felt without having to tell you directly. But I have to now, I guess." He reached out, grabbing her hand. "I really like you, Brianna."

Brianna looked down at her hands, which shook in her nervous state, before looking up at Cody with a smile. "I really like you, too, Cody."


i really gotta start finishing these chapters earlier in the day 😴


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