Everyone, including Nico himself, gaped at the drumstick in his closed fist. Some people gave Nico jealous looks. Others wished him good luck on finding the other person that held the second drumstick. "Oh my god!! You HAVE to go find this other person now!" Hazel exclaimed.

"But, but," Nico sputtered.

"No buts. How many times is this going to happen? Meet this other person and have fun with them!"

Again, Hazel is the voice of reason. Nico groaned. "Can you come with me?"

Hazel looked apologetic. "Sorry Neeks. But I met this really cool guy, Frank, and I kinda wanna talk to him more." Nico assumed that Frank was the guy Hazel was chatting with before. Nico noticed a fondness in her eyes and the shy smile smile she wore and the light pink on her cheeks. "Sure, go have fun Haze." Nico smiled.

Hazel hugged Nico briefly before dashing off to find Frank. Nico looked around to try and spot Percy and Jason. Maybe they would want to walk with me, Nico thought. However, his plan went out the window when he saw them talking to two other girls. One had blonde hair and steely grey eyes. The other had brown choppy hair and shockingly alluring eyes that seemed to changed color. The four of them seemed to be deep in conversation and laughing with each other.

Nico sighed. Guess it's just me then. And off he went to find the other person.


Nico was on the verge of a panic attack. All around him were hundreds of people. They seemed to be closing in on him. He was sweating and shaking a bit. The colors seemed to blur together into one. His chest felt tight and heavy. He took shallow and quick breaths. He couldn't breathe. Too many people. He clutched onto the drumstick like it was his lifeline.

Then Nico felt a pair of arms around him. He was led behind a booth and the other person sat him down. However he was too unfocused to look at this person. He kept feeling this constriction around his lungs. He began to gasp for air desperately.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. You're safe. I'm here to help," a voice said gently. Nico felt someone take his small shaky hand and place it on another person's chest. "I want you to concentrate on my heartbeat okay? Can you do that?" the other person asked. Nico nodded, though his eyes were still unfocused. He shut them tight and tried to get rid of his thoughts. Instead he focused on the rhythmic beating of the other person's heart. Thump. Thump. Thump.

After a while, Nico's breathing returned to a steady beat and his heart stopped beating wildly. He took a deep breath and looked up at the person who helped him. He had curly blonde hair, tan skin, and dazzling sapphire eyes. He had a frown on his face and there was worry in his eyes. Nico was suddenly painfully aware of his palm that was still on this stranger's chest. He retracted his hand rather quickly and blushed.

"Are you okay now?" the other person asked tenderly.

"Yeah. Thanks for, you know, helping me," Nico replied. "I'm Nico."

"Will," the other person said with a smile.

There was a beat of akward silence before Will spoke up. "Hey! Is that one of the drumsticks from the show?" Nico followed his gaze to the drumstick he was still gripping. "Oh yeah. Why?"

Will reached behind him and took out an identical drumstick. "I have the other one!" Will looked escastic. Nico guessed that he was a big fan of the band too. Nico stared at his face and saw that Will was staring at him too. He marveled at Will's freckles that were scattered all over his face. And when he smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkled. And oh gods, his eyes. His eyes were so blue, like the ocean, and Nico could drown in them.

Then Will pulled them back into reality. "Do you wanna walk around? We still have more time before the festival ends."

"Sure, lead the way," Nico said nervously. Everytime Nico looked at Will, there were butterflies, no, elephants stampeding in his stomach. His heart was hammering away, but this time it was because of Will.

As they walked around in comfortable silence, Nico let the loud, muffled music fill his ears. Everywhere, there was people talking and shouting, having fun. Will stopped at one of the many stands where they could buy popcorn and bought a large bucket of it. "Wanna share?" Will asked shyly.

"Definitely." Nico grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth. He couldn't help it. The salty aroma of popcorn will always be the death of him. Will laughed at Nico's face, his cheeks puffed out from all the popcorn. "You look adorable."

Nico almost choked. He swallowed and grinned at him, his face probably red.

They walked around the festival, stopping at various booths and stands, either to buy something to eat or to just look at stuff. All throughout the night, Will talked about his interests and his life. He also asked Nico a lot of questions about his life too, probably to try and get to know him better. Will emanates trustworthiness and friendliness and even though Nico finds human interaction scary, he likes talking to Will and seeing his smile. Nico gets a tingle in his body whenever their arms brush each other. Oh, how he just wanted to grab his hand already.

Sometime during the middle of their evening, they somehow have a game of truth or dare. One of Nico's dares was for Will to act like a monkey. Will goes through with it, his hands reaching underneath his armpits as if he was a real monkey. He made loud screeches and squawks which earned him plenty of weird looks. Meanwhile, Nico was standing off the side and laughing at how ridiculous Will looked. He's doubled over and hugging his sides from laughing so hard. He throws some popcorn towards Will and he actually catches it in his mouth, which only makes Nico laugh harder.

Will looks like he's having a great time too, even though he was embarrassing himself. He seemed to be staring right at Nico and doing more exaggerated monkey moves just to hear Nico's laugh. It made Will feel like he was fluttering in the clouds.

When they decide to call it a night, they maneuver through the thinning crowd and make their way over to the show venue from earlier. They trade their drumsticks for two tickets and backstage passes.

"Would you, maybe, wanna go with me to their next concert? You know, for our first official date?" Will asks Nico with a hopeful look on his face.

Nico's stomach does somersaults. He replies in a heartbeat. "Yes, I would love to."

"Cool!" Will looks absolutely breathtaking with a smile brighter than the actual sun. His blue eyes twinkle from all the lights hung up around the festival.

"Cool." Nico smiles and he feels the smile in his heart too. Nico, acting on his lightness in his head and the adrenaline from his heart, grabs Will's hands and holds them tight. Will looks down at their intertwined hands and looks back up with a blush on his face. And as Nico drags Will off to find his friends, he reminds himself to thank Hazel later for making him find his other half.


A/n: my titles suck for days lol. Also thank you guys for over 500 reads!! Can't belive people actually read this?? Absolutely shooketh.

Also, season 4 of Voltron is releasing tomorrow and I am sooo ready!!

-Victoria :)

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