12. A worthwhile journey

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Only a few days were left for my marriage and I was ecstatic for it. As we were nearing the days of my big day, we shopped almost every day for one thing or the other. Even after coming home, something would be left and we would go to the market all over again. It was so frustrating and now I hated shopping. It was a tough job.

Adi had also been very busy lately, wrapping up all the important meetings so his work didn't get affected. He was making so much effort to give time to both me and his work. There were some days when he used to come home tired after work but he would always find time to call me. He never skipped our calls however busy or tired he was. He was trying so hard to balance everything.
It made me respect him more.

The journey of falling in love with him was so worthwhile.

My shopping was complete and so was Adi's. Our outfits were colour-coordinated. It was interesting to wear them even for my fittings. I was going crazy before my big day. The excitement and butterflies in my stomach were constantly there. They never left, they had been there since the day we both met.

Some of the relatives had already arrived and some others were coming a week before marriage. Papa and bhai had made so much effort to make my wedding special.

As always, my phone rang to break the chain of my thoughts. I picked up the phone with a smile.


"Hello, love." He sighed tiredly.

"Tired?" I asked, worried for him.

"A bit. Missing you badly. I want to hug you right now." I could imagine him pouting sadly.

"Sending you virtual hugs. It's just a few days, Adi. Then I will stay with you forever."

"I know. Only this thought is stopping me from coming to meet you there right away." There was a shuffling behind him.

"Where are you? What is this noise?"

"Oh! I am in the kitchen. Dad is heating the food for me. Mom had an emergency so dad waited for me today."

"That's so sweet of him. Tell dad, I love him." He conveyed my message and I heard dad's reply.

"I love you too, Bache (kid)." I smiled and Adi joined back the call.

"Are you still in the kitchen?"

"No, I am outside now. In the dining hall, waiting for dad."

"Okay. How was your day?"

"Tiring. I had to attend four meetings today, back to back. My head is aching so bad right now."

"Why are you stressing yourself so much? Did you even eat lunch?"

"Yeah. I ate a sandwich. Mom called for like 10 times and then I announced a break from that boring meeting. That Mr Sinha wasn't letting us move. He was talking non-stop and everyone was yawning." I chuckled.

"What did you do for the whole day?"

"Oh! Don't ask. I am tired of this shopping. Everyone is like, Oh! I forgot this. Oh! I forgot that. It's irritating. Can't they make a list? And I don't understand why they drag me along with them, sometimes I don't even have anything to do with it." He laughed hysterically.

"Hey, It's bad manners to laugh at your fiancée's misery."

"What? It is a laughing matter. You are the first woman I know who doesn't like shopping. Mom is a maniac when it comes to shopping."

A Miracle That Changed My Life Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz