"So why could we still move?" Barry asked.

"Your speed. Your speed allows you to change positions faster than anyone else." Harry said, walking away.
"So you can convert your stored potential energy to kinetic energy. Anna has all the kinetic energy she needs when moving." Jay explained.
"Excuse me. Where are you going?" I asked, looking at Harry.
"To figure out how to use this against Zoom. You remember Zoom?" he asked me.
"Cisco, please join me. We'll use your idea and take it to new scientific heights and save the world. Yes, I'd love to." Cisco said, with sarcasm dripping in his words.
"Okay! Facial recognition software found us a match from the press conference footage. The Turtle's name is Russell Glosson. He was a small time thief who stopped thieving after the particle accelerator explosion." Caitlin said.

"All right. I'm gonna head to work. Catch Joe up. Let me know if you find out anything else." Barry asked, as he left the Cortex.

I walked down to my room, and flopped onto my bed. Nothing exciting happened for the remainder of the day, so I skipped ahead in time to where things were happening.

"I think we found the next target for our 30-something-metahuman-not-a-ninja Turtle." Cisco said.
"How did that take you?" I asked.
"It just came out of my mouth. Did you see that? That was amazing. Central City Museum is hosting a special black tie event tonight, show casing the Crystal Ball." Cisco said.
"I was invited to talk about it." I said.
"It's a famous painting, apparently, recently recovered from Markovia." Jay explained.
"The painting is on loan to the museum from the Silverberg family. Jacob Silverberg, himself, said, 'The painting's safe return means more to us than all the money in the world.' It's like they're begging the Turtle to rob it." Cisco said.
"Okay, yes. This is a plan. So the Turtle will make his move and we can be there waiting to take him down." Barry said.
"How do you look in a tux?" Caitlin asked.
"Come on. He's 6'2", he's square-jawed and he's jacked. I think he looks fine." Cisco said.
"I'm 6'4"." Jay corrected him.

"Oh, crap." Barry said.
"Problem?" I asked.

"No. No. An opportunity. Maybe. Hold on." Barry said.

He called Patty.
"Yeah, me too. Actually, about that, um... So I know I said let's have dinner, but uh, you've been wanting me to share more. SO I thought that I would share that I love art. Yeah. NO, it's just you know I can't get enough of art." Barry said, causing me to snort.

"Anyway, there's this event at the Central City Museum tonight. They're showing this really famous painting that I've always really loved. And Anna's gonna be there to present about... All right great. I'll see you at 8." Barry smiled.
"7!" we all exclaimed.

" Or 7. I'll see you at 7. Bye." Barry said, hanging up the phone.

"You know, you're a really great superhero, a really great superhero...." Cisco said.
"Thanks. Thank you." Barry said.
"But do you think it's a good idea, when you're fighting crime, to bring a date?" I asked.

"I'm gonna tell Patty that I'm the Flash." Barry said.
Surprise was written across everyone's faces.
"What... Is that a bad idea? What do we think?" Barry asked.
"I will say, she put bullets in King Shark and Harry. So as far as I'm concerned that's Team Flash material to me." Cisco smiled.
"All right. Yes. Thank you Cisco. Yeah. Thank you. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna tell her." Barry said, walking out of the Cortex.

" All right keep you eyes open for the Turtle." Barry said.
"Which is weird to say." I laughed.

We split up, and watched for the Turtle. I was standing in front of the famous painting's room, admiring people as they danced.

"We have eyes on the Turtle." Cisco said. I spun around and saw the Turtle taking the painting off the wall.
"CCPD! Freeze!" Patty exclaimed

In an instant the Turtle was gone. I turned around and saw him holding a gun at Patty. I tried to move in fornt of the Turtle, but I didn't get very far.

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