Part 200! 🎉🎉🎉💗

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So, JassyJass15 tagged me to do this so here goes:

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So, JassyJass15 tagged me to do this so here goes:

1. Name: Hannah

2. Height: 5'6

3. Age: I've already said a couple of times and honestly it's an estimate that I gave because I like to be unknown haha of course now you'll know way more than you ever wanted to.

4. Birthday: It's a secret... (as cliche as it is I'm really not big into birthdays)

5. Girl BFF: I have some. haha

6. Guy BFF: My twin brother

7. Crush: Matt Daddario obviously! In real life? I don't really have one. I prefer to be on my own.

8. Ever fall in love: That depends on the definition... but yes, I suppose so. Damn I sure sound cynical in this.... hahaha

9. Last Text: To one of my BFF's

10. Longest Relationship: A date haha I'm almost asexual I'd say

11. Battery Percentage: 89% and dropping

12. Eye Color: Brown

13. Hair Color: Brown

14. Addiction: Writing, music, chocolate... I get addicted to things easily but also get out of it quickly

15. Fav Food: So many! But right now probably Chicken Tikka Masala

16. Fav Song: (there are so many favorites! Truth? I don't believe in having favorites.) But, right now it Dancing on My Own by Calum Scott

17. Fav Animal:  I'm not actually a huge animal person as horrible as that may sound. But, I'd say Sea Turtles. I've always wanted to be one.

18. Fav subject in school: Art even though I'm not greatly talented haha, real subject I'd pick math. I like how there generally is a right or wrong answer. 

19. Fav Sport: Volleyball or water polo

20. One Wish: To be completely comfortable with who I am

21. Best Time of Your Life: When I did my first book signing

22. Country you live in: USA

23. Pets: A kitten

24. Turn ons: Matt Daddario? Does that count? haha but seriously laughter, kindness but snarky, patient, someone who gives me my space but still pushes me. Someone who challenges me.

25. Turn offs: Not being able to laugh. being a jerk, someone who judges others for things that they shouldn't like things that make them who they are. A political talker. I seriously hate politics.

26. Relationship Status: Single! ... like always... haha but it's kind of by choice.

27. First Kiss: It's complicated. 

28. Self harmed?: I never cut but yes, definitely I have the physical and emotional scars to prove it and I feel like that's kind of like being an alcoholic. I'm not doing it but the thoughts are still there and honestly, I think they always will be. The important thing is to tell them to fuck off and stand up tall because you are amazing even if at sometimes you don't believe it.  If you're hurting yourself stop, please.

29. someone you love: love is such a subjective term. I honestly hate it at least in the way it's meant for this question. (of course I use it a lot because I know that it means more to other people)  But yeah so many people! Just at different levels I guess.

30. Someone you miss: Who I used to be. But I'm defintely liking who I've become and still am becoming

31. Biggest fear: Life

32. Something you hate: Durian (if you don't know what that it consider yourself lucky)

33. Fandoms: Shadowhunters! The 100, OUAT, supernatural, sherlock

34. Fav show: Right now atypical but it changes so often.

35. Fav movie: The Way Way Back. If you haven't seen it you should. Seriously, it's the best. And one of the few things I'll actually pick as a favorite so yeah

36. Fav book: Just Listen by Sarah Dessen will always be important to me.

37. Fav thing about yourself: I can get people to see the good in anything and everything which really helps them

38. Jealous of: People who can draw or other types of art like that. I can see the images in my head but they sure don't work on paper haha

39. Star Sign: Taurus

40. Ethnicity: A mixture

41. Middle Name: Fucking (obviously! jk haha)

42. Worst Habit: canceling on people because I don't feel like going out

43. Best Friend Ever: My twin brother

44. Most Embarrassing Moment: This is a recent one at least: On a date, I broke a chopstick in half and it hit the guy then slowly rolled down his shirt leaving a huge stain... he didn't laugh...

45. OTP: Malec... obviously! haha

46. First Fandom: Roswell? Does that count?

47. Books or Wifi: Depends on my mood.

48. Indoors or Outdoors: Depends I love the beach but I also love my bed (see used the word love haha)

49. Kik: No, but I have instagram and tumblr.

50. Other: I think I took this way too seriously... hahaha

Also, I would love to see you all do this or at least some of you. If you do, tag me so I can check it out. That'll be the question for this one, to do this or pick like 5 and answer them in the comments. 

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