e i g h t y f i v e

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We reach the flat, walking inside, drenched to the bone. So maybe going out in the rain was a bad idea. I personally enjoyed it, but clearly, Dan did not. It's just not his thing; that's fine. He lays down on the sofa, looking out of the window opposite it and watching the strikes of lightning, flinching with every boom of thunder. 

Being the amazing boyfriend I am, I decide to grab him a blanket from the bedroom, returning to the living room and laying it over him. I then make two mugs of hot chocolate, topped off with cream. I don't know if he likes tea, so hot chocolate is a safe bet.

He sits up when I approach with the mugs, adjusting the blanket so that it's properly over him. I dip into the place next to him, handing over one of the mugs and sipping at it lightly, as to not burn my tongue.

"You okay?"

"Better." He responds before taking a sip of his, licking some of the cream off too.

"You should probably have a shower and put on some dry clothes."

"I will." He says, sipping from his mug yet again.

The hot chocolates are both finished and blanket left on the sofa when Dan walks into the bathroom to take a shower. I enter the bedroom, sifting through the wardrobe to find his pyjamas, which I do easily. I lay out a pair of pyjama bottoms along with a baggy t-shirt and also one of my hoodies to warm him up, as oversized things are always better.

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