Chapter [35] - Spinoff

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Listen, I should've been finished this book bro. Imagine slacking off this bad man! The last update was like two months ago, when I should've been updated. I'm just going to make this chapter and probably another one and end it because I'm like the worst author ever LMAO.. like geesh man. Thanks to those who continue to read even though this book is pretty half ass so thanks loves!



I woke up to booty rubs and pecks on my forehead. I groaned but opened my eyes to see Trevelle smiling at me. I turned over and tried to go back to sleep, but he wasn't having it. "Come on, wake up," his lips trailed towards my collarbone and I let out a frustrated sigh before speaking, "Why you wanna play when I'm sleep?" I mumbled and tried to go back to sleep but his fingers only skated down my legs and rested against my mound. I huffed and sat up.

He laughed before turning serious, "I want to take you out today. You fell asleep on me last night, remember?" he asked and I rolled my eyes. This boy is tripping. "I can't, I took yesterday off for that, remember? You was playing that damn game," I snapped. He pouted and I had to look away to avoid wavering. I already promised my manager that I'd show today, I couldn't ask for another day off. That's slouch behavior.

I was serious about my money but fucking with him always made me forget I even had a job. I looked up to see 2K on the TV screen, on pause. I rolled my eyes and laid back down but he easily pulled me up. "Come on get up," he stood me up in front of him. "Finish playing your game Trevelle damn, I want to sleep!" I snapped, I hated being woke out of my sleep.

I moved out of his face and went to go brush my teeth because my breath was on a million, how his breath never smelled bad baffled me. It's like he never had morning breath in his life. I had a lot I wanted to do today before I went in though. I had also promised Armani I'd take her to get her hair done by my hairstylist, Diego and she was dying to get her nails done so I decided I'd just get that done for her as well.

Then there's also Trevelle who always wants to take me out but never does. He has me missing important days off work when all he does is play that damn game, and I'm tired of it for real. If I do call out today, I'm making sure I actually go somewhere or there's going to be an issue. I can't be losing money like that. There's bills to be paid.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face before preparing for a shower. I went back into the room and grabbed an olive green lace panty and bra set along with some lotion and deodorant and tossed it onto the bed. When I looked up Trevelle was still on the game, I gritted my teeth and headed to the bathroom. I slid out of my clothes and into the shower.

I scrubbed quickly, not wanting to waste too much time and hurried out. I headed back into the room, dressed just as quickly and went into my closet to find an outfit. I picked up a white Tommy Hilfiger muscle crop top, dark blue denim jeans, a burgundy and navy Tommy Hilfiger slightly cropped windbreaker and my all white Air Max and slid into the outfit. I topped it off with a gold chain and a few rings before going to the bathroom.

 I topped it off with a gold chain and a few rings before going to the bathroom

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