Chapter [5] - Ceremony

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"We just went over this. We're both not looking for no relations, just friends," I said a little mad we had to go over this once again. He looked over to me and sucked his teeth, "I hear you."

The fun atmosphere dispersed just as quick as it came and the conversation turned dry. I knew that what I said might've made him mad or feel some type of way but I already told him what I wanted, and he agreed. So I don't understand the issue.

I sat right in my seat and threw my empty fry box into the bag before taking out my phone. I propped the seat up back to its regular stance before checking the time. I had about five minutes before they would mark me tardy.

"Can you drive me back to school," I asked. He nodded and sat up before heading out the lot. We shared no laughs the whole way back and it was killing me. Now without me talking to Mani I definitely had no one and now he got a little attitude?

I started shaking my head.

No one told him to catch feelings though in fact I told him to do the exact opposite. When he pulled up I grabbed my bag from the back and reached over to give him a hug. He accepted it and said, "Be safe." I nodded and stepped out.

I rushed into the building and headed to 6th period. I was a few minutes late but it wasn't that bad. I saw a few kids still walking around so I knew I wouldn't get pressed too bad. When I came into the class the teacher didn't arrive yet. I said a quick thank you to God before taking my seat.

Josh came into the class with his boys, making mad noise. I ignored them and put in my headphones. I had better shit to do then watch him try to get his mack on with some other female in front of me. I grabbed my binder and reviewed some notes when a dark shadow cast above me blocking the light. I pulled my headphones out and looked up.

Josh smiled at me and sat besides me, "How are you?" he asked as if we was cool. "Don't worry about me." I said. Honestly the feelings I had for him was no longer there but the hurt and betrayal was. But it wasn't just with him it was with every nigga I ever dated and got played by. I really just wish I never associated myself with him in the first place.

"You still mad about that damn," he said catching an attitude. I looked him up and down briefly before smacking my lips. "I really don't know why you over here questioning me. If you trynna spit game it's not gon happen." I said lifting my hand up to plug my headphones back in. He grabbed my hand and snapped.

"Yo what happened to you. If I was to hold a conversation with you before you would be all for it but now you acting like you too good for a nigga." he said, nose all flared up. "Cause I am! Now go back to that little ho you was fucking with and dip out my face," I said getting ready to knock his ass straight into a wheelchair.

"Aight bitch, but ion wanna hear shit when you miss me," he said before standing up and leaving from my section. I really didn't care that he called me out my name or how he viewed me because at the end of the day I know my value and I know my worth. One day somebody really gon love the kid and really value my worth, but until then I'm not worried about nobody.

I continued to review until the teacher popped up. We went over a few assignments before the bell rung for us to head to our last class of the day. I packed up and left.


After school

I laid down in my bed and looked up at the ceiling. Sometimes I really feel like I have nobody. I mean yeah money always good to have and all but it doesn't really bring you happiness. What's money when you have no one to share it with.

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