Chapter [30] - Me, U & Hennessey

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I just want head in a comfortable bed, it could all be so simple


I groaned feeling Velle shift underneath me. "Baby get upp," he whined. I reached my hand up and covered his mouth. "Shhhh," I mumbled, getting back comfortable.

He licked my fingers, "I'm hungry," he whined. "Please shut up," I said before he got mad. "Man get off me," he lifted me up and placed me on the side.

"Mad ass bitch," I mumbled while rolling my eyes. I sat up on the bed. "What you said?" he asked, getting all up in my face. I swear this boy never has morning breath, meanwhile my shit be vicious as hell.

I pushed him back and climbed off the bed before heading to the bathroom. A wave of pain passed through my lower section as I took a single step. I paused.

I took another step and screamed, feeling the pain grow all through my thighs. I crumbled to the floor trynna reach my hand out to stop the fall and gripped air.

Velle dumb ass looked down at me from the bed before busting out laughing. My eyes watered while I bit my lip to stop it from quivering.

"It's not fucking funny you piece of shit," I snapped, wiping my eyes furiously and trying to get back up only to feel the pain grow worse. It felt like somebody was sticking knives into my hole all while slicing my thighs into chicken strips.

"Oh my God," I whined trying to take a couple more steps and successfully grabbing the bathroom door before turning and feeling my legs go limp. I fell to the floor and Velle continued to laugh.

"I fucking hate you," I cried, feeling my eyes begin to water again. Cramps ain't have shit on this feeling, I swear. And his dumb ass up there laughing at me. I didn't understand why it hurted so bad I didn't do anything.

I blinked before snapping my head up, "I know gooooood and damn well you didn't give me an STD," I yelled, remembering briefly some symptoms of Chlamydia that I once read up on for a Health project.

He stopped.

"Little girl don't play with me," he started as I rolled my eyes. He came over and helped me up before lifting me into his arms, bridal style. He carried me on the bed before speaking, "you're just sore," he explained.

"Fuck you mean I'm sore? I thought we went through all that last night," I cried trying to bend my legs and thighs only to feel the pain rush back. I winced. "You really don't know anything," he scrunched his face up.

I lift my leg up and kicked him right in his face. It hurt me more to bend my leg back than the kick hurt him. He looked stunned for a second before grabbing my leg with the quickness. He dragged me to him and climbed on top of me.

"Fuck is wrong with you?" he snapped, face getting red. I turned my head, he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "You gon speak?" he asked gripping my jaw.

I wanted to say something but my breath was not on it's P's or it's Q's. I pushed him off of me and climbed out the bed before sucking in a breath. I quickly headed to the bathroom, whimpering with each step. I slipped inside and grabbed my tooth brush, loaded it with toothpaste and brushed my teeth.

I gargled mouthwash afterwards before flossing. I dropped the string in the trash before rolling my eyes. "Velle?" I called. He popped up, sucking his teeth. "Can you carry me to the bed?" I asked.

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