Chapter [32] - Deeper Level

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I neverrrrrrr update these days but I can explain. School is here and I have to work my ass off to stay and excel these AP classes. So sorry but Wattpad isn't a TOP priority at the moment. Thanks for understanding.


I woke up naked, wrapped in our blankets. I lifted my head up and saw Velle sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. He looked to be in deep thought. I didn't want to bother him so I kept still.

"I know you're up," he turned and caught me watching him. I smiled before biting my lip, "What's wrong?" I asked sitting up, allowing the covers to fall away, while I sat in Indian style. "Nothing," he said quickly before standing up.

I dead ass hate when he shuts me out. It makes me feel like he doesn't trust me but I know it's just because he doesn't like dealing with his emotions at all. He can be goofy and playful at times but I know he has some deep shit in his past that he hasn't let go of quite yet.

I sucked my teeth and headed to the bathroom, completely nude, and shut the door behind me. I brushed my teeth and gargled mouthwash before quickly flossing and heading back in the room. He was sitting on the bed, fingers running through his curls.

"Trevelle talk to me," I stopped in front of him. He continued to ignore me for a few seconds before grabbing me by my waist and pushing me to the side. "I just need to think by myself for a minute," he spoke before sliding into a T-shirt since his boxers were already on.

"Don't do that. I hate when you do that..just tell me," I crossed my arms over my chest. "Do what, man?" he was clearly not in the mood but I didn't give a shit. Whatever he had on his mind, I wanted to know about.

"Do that, pushing me away. I want to know what's bothering you." I tried again and he closed his eyes before speaking, "The other day when I wanted to know what you were crying for, you pushed me away, and I didn't ask about it since, so what's the issue with me wanting to keep this to myself?" he asked, losing patience.

"But I just w-" I started again and he cut me off.

"I got shit to do," he stood and headed to the closet before throwing his clothes on. I rolled my eyes and looked at the time, 11:32.

I had work at two and I didn't want him to leave without us solving whatever issue he had. "Trevelle..." I sat down on the bed and slid on my shirt and shorts, ignoring my panties and bra thrown across the room.

"Chanel..." he replied, stepping out the closet and into the room.

"Why are you acting up? Just tell me," I pressed.

"I hear you, I do. And I'm grateful that you want to help me, but this is some shit I need to deal with on my own, I'll be back," he ran his hands around my waist and kissed my forehead. I leaned into his touch and bit down on my tongue to stop myself from asking more questions.

I blinked, and he was out the door.

I rolled my eyes and slid back under the covers. Even though he shitted on me previously I still had the heart to trust him, yet he wont trust me enough to open up to me.

Full of shit.

I threw the covers over my head and fell back asleep.


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