Chapter [25] - Blind Date

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Can I just say I was up all night making this real nice and special, and editing it. Its 6:51 am and I've been up since 10 trying to rid myself of this writers block. I think that deserves a vote and comment :)

With that being said, I bring you

Blind Date



After busting my ass constantly working more than a simple 9-5 at the hospital I finally received a day off. My check from the hospital came through and I was more than happy seeing my $2450 pay and that's only a weeks worth of bread.

Imagine when I start doing overtime and take more hours. I'm honestly content where I'm at right now. I have a few more months before I head to college and I think I'm ready. Armani bounded down the steps looking at me out the corner of her eye. She thinks I'm still mad about the prank but I don't have time to be holding grudges, life is too short.

"Get over here," I said waiting for her to stop in front of me before wrapping my arms around her. We hugged briefly before we both backed up. She sat down and twiddled her thumbs, "promise not to get mad?" she started up. "I don't even want to hear it," I said shaking my head.

"Girl shutup anyways I signed you up for a blind date-" she started as I cut her off. "Bitch what t-" I started but she continued like I never said a word. "Trust me, you need this. You walking around here all dick deprived, frowning and bussing your ass at that job 24/7 don't you think you should at least consider it?" she asked as I sighed.

"That's nice of you but I'm doing better by myself honestly, there's nothing a nigga can do for me right now but hurt me. Don't you think I've been broken enough?" I snapped, mad she did it behind my back.

"Bitch bye you can't let these niggas dictate your love life. I know it's hard, I do especially since it feels like every time you with somebody they dog you out but I know there's someone out there for you," she said so sure of herself. "You don't know nothing, nobody does. You don't have to worry about being cheated on, lied to, or made a fool out of constantly. That doesn't happen to you, it never has until just recently, you don't feel that pain, I do," I said shaking my head.

"If we're really talking about pain let's talk about all the times I liked a guy and he showed no interest in me yet was just sooo in love with you huh? What about those feelings, what about all the times I've third wheeled-" she started. "Third wheeling? Child please I was a third wheel the whole 2 years and 9 months you and Marcus dated, did you forget that?!" I snapped.

She stayed silent as I calmed down. "Yeah well, the world doesn't center around you or your bullshit neither does it center around mines, we both need to drop it because its the past. We need to focus on right here and right now, starting with this date," she said. I rolled my eyes and thought on it. It would be messed up if I stood the person up but then again, who told Armani dumb ass to do this.

"I don't know what your thinking about, I already picked your outfit," she said simply before taking her ass in the kitchen. "You really irk my nerves," I said in all seriousness. "That's my job," she smirked as I headed up the steps.

I went into my bedroom and sure enough she had an outfit set out. A red hip hugging dress, it reached a little lower than my knees and exposed a little bit of skin between my boobs, lower back and with a small slit on the side, my right thigh. She accompanied the dress with black Red Bottoms. I sighed before preparing for a shower. I put out a royal red lace panty and bra set and stripped out my clothes before heading into the bathroom.

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