Chapter [2] - Mmm..

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Armani in MM above 💙


"I swear you don't know how to act," I whined flipping over in the bed trying to cover my ears. This bitch running in here like a soldier, banging pots and pans together like she crazy. "Girl bye, you need to get the fuck up and come with me to the mall. Victoria Secrets got a sale." Armani said, clapping the pots closer to my ear.

I rolled my eyes and lifted myself off the bed, only cause she mentioned VS and sale in the same sentence. "Yeah, I thought so." she smirked before dropping the pots on the bed and walking over to her duffel bags. "Bitch shutup." I snapped before heading over to my closet. I didn't feel like getting cute because I was still upset about what went down last night, but then again I can't sit around and let this nigga dictate how I move. That would be giving him too much control.

I slipped into a black high and low crop top, black skinny jeans, and my black and white Taxi's before sticking in my spiral twister belly ring. I headed to the bathroom and flipped my braids into a high bun before wrapping a white bandana around my head. I layed my edges down with some edge control before wiping my hands off and brushing my teeth. After rinsing and spitting, I gargled some mouthwash and dabbed my mouth on my towel. I put in my diamond stud earrings and added my silver nose ring before taking a final glance in the mirror and heading out the bathroom.

Soon as I stepped out, Mani stepped in. I grabbed my makeup bag and walked over to my vanity mirror. I sat down on the chair and carefully applied black lipstick to my top and bottom lip before going over the outline in black liner. Once that was set, I rubbed some eyebrow gel onto my eyebrows and filled them in with a brow pencil. I added a little powder and highlighter to my cheeks to give them some color before stepping back and admiring my handiwork.

I picked up my mascara and stroked each set of eyelashes three times before putting it down and cleaning up the area. Mani snuck up behind me and looked into the mirror with me. She flat ironed her hair and now had a white bucket hat on top. She had on some white ripped jeans, a gray tank and her white and gray Flights. "Mm, who you looking good for?" she asked, looking me up and down in the mirror.

"My damn self." I smacked my lips and admired her makeup. Like me, Mani wears makeup but it's not like she needs to. She's naturally beautiful but ain't shit wrong with wearing makeup, in my opinion. It's your face, rock it how you want.

I grabbed my phone from the charger and decided on a black Chanel bag I could rock my fit with before stuffing my phone, wallet, keys, etc inside. I had some money saved over from my check from last week so that should be able to cover my expenses for today. I work at Sprint and get paid 800 weekly, it ain't much but it gives me enough to do what I want so I'm straight. After paying my phone bill I had about 650 left to spend.

I looked back at Mani and saw she was ready to go so I walked out the room and headed downstairs. I put the security alarms on before locking up and heading to the garage. I chose my all black 2016 Dodge Charger and slid into the drivers seat while Mani occupied the passenger. I plopped my bag between my thighs, shut and locked the doors before plugging the key into the ignition and driving off the lot. Soon as we was on the highway, here she go bitching about food. "Just pull over to McDonalds real quick," she pouted.

I ignored her and continued to drive once the light hit green. "Damn you so fucking selfish, you act like you can't do me one favor." she snapped, rolling her eyes. I prayed and prayed them bitches get stuck up in her eyelid. "That's why I hate you now," she pouted.

"Girl bye you love me." I grinned, showing all 32. "I really don't but if you take me to McDonalds, I bet I could learn," she smiled. "Oh I'm most definitely not stopping now." I pfft'd before swerving and pulling up to an empty parking space. I dislodged the key from the ignition and watched as Armani sulked in the seat. "Bitch you acting like there ain't a food court in here," I rolled my eyes and slid out the car. She need to get out her little funky attitude and come on now.

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