Chapter [26] - Old Friends

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Three months later....

Jasper and me haven't been in contact since that night and that following day, I told him about Velle and how fucked up my feelings were at the moment and surprisingly he understood and didn't pressure me. While he understood and left me alone, I was slowly digging myself into a pit of depression.

I don't know why I can't get over him. All I've been doing is going to work, coming back and repeating the cycle over and over. My eating habits have changed drastically where I skip meals, or even skip days without eating. I notice I cry a lot more and talk a lot less. Armani speaks to me but its like I can't hear her anymore.

I tune her out so much its all just blah blah. That day with Jasper made me realize how truly deep Velle hurt me, in the moment when I found out I was enraged, breaking all his shit but when the cookie crumbles I'm the one who's hurting the most.

I seen him posted on Instagram and Twitter with some girl, they take pictures constantly. I don't know why but everyday I torture myself by looking him up every hour just to lurk and get my feelings hurt.

I laid in bed looking at a blank spot on the wall, thinking about nothing and praying for everything. The door opened. I slowly turned my head and saw my dad, I blinked and turned my head back to the wall.

"Chanel please baby girl, say something," he sighed. I've been mute for the last couple of days, only speaking when it's absolutely necessary and that's only at work. I'm just not in the mood and no one seems to get that in their thick skulls, I just want to be left alone.

"I hate seeing you like this," he spoke kneeling down in front of me. I know me being like this was affecting him and it had him worried but I just need to be by myself. I laid down and put the cover over me.

"Chanel look at you, your losing weight, your constantly crying, what is it? Anything you need, you know I'll get it for you," he tried again but he couldn't give me what I wanted. I want happiness, I want the old Trevelle, I just wish he wasn't so damn stupid now.

"Dad please, there's nothing you can do. I just want to be left alone," I spoke, voice raspy from not being used in a while.

"Baby girl please," he cried, and that broke my heart. I turned to face him and saw his eyes watering. I sighed, knowing it was killing him to see me this way.

Before any other words could be exchanged, Armani bust in the room. "This has to stop, you got me figggity figggityyy fucked up if you truly believe I'm just going to let my best friend rot in here. That's why I have exactly what you need right behind this door. Closure," she spoke. I rolled my eyes, turned away and ignored her, not ready to see another PowerPoint or poster board on why I should get over Velle .

"Oh hell nah, where did you find him? I had my whole team searching for this little nigga," I heard my dad say. "Clearly you weren't looking hard enough. He posts his location along with a new picture every hour," she said. I scrunched my eyebrows up before rolling my eyes, knowing they were just messing with me like they did so many other times just to make me look and attempt to drag me out the bed.

"All I ask for is to be left alone please damn, can you just do that for me? Go!" I yelled, feeling the tears coming. I hate crying because soon it'll become uncontrollable and then turn into dry heaving which turns into me throwing up. I'm just tired of being like this but my body doesn't agree.

I heard the door close and felt the bed dip and sighed. "Can you please please just leave me alone, that's all I ask." I cried, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks down the bridge of my nose and fall off my lip. The person didn't move a muscle, clearly not giving up as I sighed.

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