Chapter [13] - Throwaway

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After my shower, I left a few minutes later. I didn't trust myself enough to stay over because Lord knows Velle be teasing and I didn't want to jeopardize their relationship. Besides I still needed some me time. My feelings for him were far from gone and I didn't wanna be on no hoe shit cause I know I would be throwing my set if a bitch came for mines.

I pulled into the parking lot and saw Ma and Pa cars parked in the garage. I haven't seen them in about three days, and I was about to light into them. True, they're grown and I'm grown too but I still miss them and want them to be near me at all times.

Who the hell disappears without saying shit. I didn't get a call or nothing. I flew up the porch and went inside. They were in the kitchen putting away groceries, I leaned against the doorframe and observed.

"Mhmmmm," I made my presence known. "Little girl I know you see me struggling to get this can, bring your ass over here," Ma snapped and I quickly went to her side. I picked the can up before putting it on the right shelf.

Lately she been getting grumpier and grumpier, Pa just tells me to let her be because she's getting closer to her due date so her hormones are acting up and on the slick I can't wait for my baby sister. I'ma teach her how to be a bad bitch like her sister but not a hoe, way too many of those around here.

"It's 10:00 why you coming home so late," Pa asked. I paused from my helping. "With all due respect Daddy, I'm about to graduate that doesn't make me grown but I don't think I need a curfew anymore. I think I'm able to take care of myself," I said before turning around because I already knew he would have a problem with what I just said.

"Oh so you think you grown?" he paused, leaning on the counter. I sighed, my day was long enough I didn't need any extra drama. "I just said I didn't Dad, but I do think I'm getting older and I don't need to be watched." I said hoping my point was clear so he could get the memo. I'm graduating in two days then ima be on my way to out of here.

College not for me but I'm definitely moving out and ima try my hand at something else. I think there's more life has to offer me than paying tuition.

"She has a point Dre," Ma put in her two cents. I smiled brightly.

"All I know is you better not be acting fresh out in these streets, word come to me- that's your ass. You better not be around no boys either." he said always trynna put up a hard front.

"Well, all day I've been hanging with Velle, I know you want me to steer clear from any boys but like I told you before that's my best friend. I'm not having sex with him, I'm not touching him, kissing him, he has a girlfriend Dad," I explained.

"I don't care what he has. Why can't you be normal and have girl friends what ever happened to Armani?" he asked, getting frustrated like always.

I sighed, "Clearly I'm not normal or basic, you and Ma raised me to be independent and different if I was what these females call normal nowadays I would be throwing it back for a stack. That's all they know, you should be happy my mindset is different," I said and by now I was getting mad forreal.

"Armani wasn't like that," he prodded.

"No she wasn't, but she wasn't a good friend either. I'm not trynna be around no negative vibes and everytime I was around her that was all I got," I said hoping we could just end the conversation right here.

He sighed before continuing to put things up. I know every dads nightmare is finding out their little girl is growing up but I can't change that. Life is too short to sit around and stress about the fine print.

I told them I was heading to bed, we shared good nights and a few pecks before I turned in.


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