Chapter [10] - "Me" Time

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 Chanel POV 

Honestly I needed some time to myself, I needed to get my feelings in check and get myself together. From now on I gotta look at Velle as a brother or ima dead ass never get over him.

Melae was in the hospital fighting for her life and the only thing I could think about was her nigga. I started shaking my head and laid my head on the pillow. Velle sat across from me, picking with his funky ass toenails. "You should go visit Melae. She's probably up," I said, finding an excuse for him to leave.

He nodded and silently got off the bed. Lately he ain't been saying too much of nothing it's been a whole three days of her in the hospital and she hasn't waken up yet. Velle is a complete wreck and her family hasn't come around to check on her yet. To me, that's fucked up but I don't know their situation so I tend to ease back.

He slipped his shoes on and pecked my forehead before heading out the door. I played with the ends of my sheet and regretted cutting off all ties with Armani. That was my homegirl, so what she chose me second all the time..maybe I was asking for too much. She would've been able to help me in this situation but nah fuck her.

All I know is I'm driving my own self crazy with all this overthinking over Velle. Maybe I just need to be alone, I got what? A week left and then I'm done with all this bullshit and finally free.

I decided to have some 'me' time and pamper myself up. There was no reason for me to be moping around, especially over no nigga. I'm done focusing on everybody.

 I dressed up into casual clothes, a tank some sweats and some Huaraches before heading down stairs and to the garage. Ma nor Pa was home so I didn't have to tell them where I was going, most likely they were on a breakfast date or some shit like that.

My mom and dad are goals for me, they're what I hope to be 20 years from now. I like their relationship and their grind..that level of happiness and strong bond is what I want so bad but ain't no happy endings coming my way.

And I'm just gonna have to learn how to accept that.

I rode in my black Benz all the way to the hair spot. It's been a minute since I got my hair laid by Diego and I needed the magic touch right about now. I had my hair flattened a week ago and shit was already puffing up, natural problems.

I opened up my car door and locked up before heading inside. Diego looked up from his current customer and looked at me then my hair and we shared a mutual agreement before he pushed his customer to the next seat and motioned for me to come sit.

I sat down and without taking request he started whipping me up. That's why I like Diego so much he know just what I like. No questions needed.

I tuned into the conversation they was having and soon I was busting out laughing. They was talking about pussy odors and one of the boys on the other side was preaching.

"I know a lot about that mann," he said busting out laughing. "Fuck around think that smell is because she ain't bathe and she give yo ass the claps," one of the ladies said.

"I done had nearly every STD in the book," he started and a whole bunch of females next to him slid to the right,  "but I'm still daddy so what's good?" he said thinking that was funny.

Everybody stopped laughing in the room as we all stopped to stare at his retarded ass. "You find that cute? You need yo ass kicked," a real old lady in the back with a Jamaican accent said and everybody bust out laughing as his stupid ass sunk down in his seat and remained quiet.

The topic switched to dick sizes and I decided to sip my tea on that one. Only dick I ever seen was Velle's and that shit was mighty so I didn't have much to compare it to.

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