(Epilogue Pt. 1) A Greater Chance

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Three weeks had passed since the end of the enormous war we had all fought in. By this time, nearly all the corpses scattering the field had either been buried or burned. The villagers from Laketown were thriving in the city of Dale, as Thorin had generously gave them a sum of his wealth to start their lives again.

Bilbo and Gandalf had left only six days ago, and that had been a tear-filled occasion. However, the Company had promised to make visits, and Bilbo swore to someday return to the Mountain. I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to seeing the hobbit again.

In the meantime, Novalee had brought it upon herself to nurse me back to health- and there was no arguing with her. Although old in age, the woman was young in spirit, and she surprised me on more than one occasion with spontaneous bouts of stubbornness. Behind that feistiness however, was a woman with a caring heart. A woman that had no problem changing bandages repeatedly and helping me bathe. Novalee's constant assistance had made my wounds seemingly heal at a rapid pace. The cuts and bruises had practically disappeared, while the broken bones in my leg and ribs had made significant progress. Nonetheless, it was an amazing improvement which I made sure to thank her for repeatedly.

Now it was another night in Erebor. I sat on a bench placed on one of the balconies overlooking the field we'd spilled blood over, as well as the flickering lights of Dale's activity in the distance. There was not a cloud in the sky, which gave the moon and stars full reign to shine down onto the earth below.

I took in a deep breath and sighed. The bandages wrapped around my waist- under my clothes- were starting to grow slightly uncomfortable. Not to mention, for one of the first times in my life, I was wearing a long skirt and a blouse. Novalee had argued that skirts were easier to move in, and unfortunately she was right. I didn't want to admit that they were indeed comfortable. The skirt was dark blue in color, and the blouse was of a similar shade with sleeves that cut off at my elbows. My hair had actually been washed and combed, and it fell just past my shoulders in jet black waves. I actually felt at peace, and looked at peace as well.

I turned my head when I heard a door creak open, but immediately relaxed when I saw it was Fili. The dwarf cracked a smile before shutting the door and approaching me quietly. "You're up late." He murmured.

"I could say the same about you." I replied, motioning for him to sit down. Fili obliged as I continued. "It is a beautiful night, though."

"Indeed it is." Fili said. The conversation drifted off as we both took in the scenery before us.

My gaze then flickered over to him and I shifted my weight. "How are your injuries? Have you mostly healed?"

The dwarf's expression softened in response. "I have, yes. The healers have done their job well in removing the poison. The stab wound itself is hardly a worrying factor."

I gave him a genuine smile. Once again, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "That's good! Truly. I'm pleased to hear it... mostly everything has healed on my end. The more serious injuries like the broken bones still have some time to fully recover, but I'm allowed to walk again- that's what I see as the most important." I earned a chuckle from him at that one, so I gave Fili a teasing smirk. "Don't give me that look- I got into many arguments with Novalee and the other healers about taking walks. I couldn't stand being pent up in a room all day."

The dwarf shook his head as the both of us laughed for the first time in a while. When the laughing ceased, my expression softened. I began to fidget with the fabric of my skirt before bowing my head slightly. "I've been grateful for these three weeks of no fighting. They've given me some time to think... so much so that I have had a revelation." I murmured.

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